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Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
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Jornadas internacionales de archivos universitarios en la Universidad de Salamanca

Archivos universitariosLa Universidad de Salamanca organiza el Congreso Internacional 2018 de la Sección de Archivos de Universidades del Consejo Internacional de Archivos (ICA/SUV), que se celebra de forma conjunta con las XXIV Jornadas de la Conferencia de Archiveros de las Universidades Españolas (CAU). Las jornadas que integran ambos seminarios se desarrollarán en la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación y en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia los días 3, 4 y 5 de octubre de 2018 con el tema: “Los documentos históricos en los archivos universitarios, un valor añadido”. La Facultad y el Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación colaboran activamente en estas jornadas, que se celebra en sus instalaciones, que cuenta con profesorado como ponentes y que dispone de estudiantes del Grado de Información y Documentación como colaboradores. El programa científico está compuesto por 15 paneles, en los que intervienen expertos de todo el mundo. La profesora Manuela Moro Cabero, docente del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de Salamanca presenta una ponencia conjunta sobre las normas ISO 15489-1 e ISO 30301 como bases para archivos electrónicos de patrimonio universitario:

Programa científico

Miércoles, 3 de octubre
Panel 1-4: Facultad de Traducción y Documentación / Faculty of Translation and Documentation
Panel 5-7: Facultad de Geografía e Historia / Faculty of Geography and History

Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
08-09 h. Inscripciones / Registration
09:00 h. Inauguración / Opening
9:35 h. Conferencia Inaugural / Inaugural Conference
Miguel Ángel Jaramillo Guerreira (Universidad de Salamanca) Los archivos en la universidad: Reflexiones en torno al archivo de la Universidad de Salamanca / Archives at the University: Reflections on the archive of the University of Salamanca

10:15-11:15 h.   PANEL 1
10:20-10:35 Wendy Scheir, The New School, New York. Deepening Institutional Identity through the University Archives
10:40-10:55 Lauren Zuchowski Longwell, Loyola Marymont University. Re-imagining the University Archives: Balancing the Histories of Loyola University and Marymount College
11:0-11:15 Stephen Urgola, American University in Cairo. A University (Archives) Apart: Intersection of Institutional Identity and University Archives Mission at the American University in Cairo

11:45-13:05 PANEL 2
11:50-12:05 Katharine Eve Short, Montfort University. New University, New Archive
12:10-12:25 Megan Sniffin-Marinoff Harvard University. Not built in a day: developing a university archives through skill, perseverance, and spirit
12:30-12:45 Anna Domalanus, Adam Mickiewicz University. Shared past, division and shared jubilee. (On the example of Poznan universities)
12:50-13:05 Susanne Belovari, University of Illinois. The ludicrous elephant’s tail

16:00-17:00 h.   PANEL 3
16:05-16:20 Karen Jamison Trivette, Fashion Institute of Technology. Managing University Archives: An Assemblage of Standards for a Model of Practice
16:25-16:40 Erika Gorder, Rutgers University. On the Journey of Reconciliation: The University Archivist as Guide, Guardian, and Muse
16:45-17:00 Heather Perez; Courtney Stewart, Stockton University. Using Old Archives to Reexamine a New University’s Identity

17:30-18:10 h.   PANEL 4
17:35-17:50 Shelley Sweeney, University of Manitoba. Enhancing Our Value: Indigenizing the University Archives
17:55-18:10 Arike Oke; Trudy Zimmerman, Wellcome Collection. Looking in the mirror: Capturing the facets of Wellcome’s identity with practical, sustainable methods.

Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Faculty of Geography and History Auditorium

10:00-11:00 h.  PANEL 5
10:05-10:20 Ashley Gosselar, University of Chicago. “We Out Here and We Been Here”: The Role of University Archives in Student-Led Campus History Initiatives to Remember and Reassert Black Presence in American Higher Education
10:25-10:40 José Luis Hernández Luis Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica, Salamanca. La destrucción del patrimonio documental y bibliográfico durante la Guerra Civil Española: Una aproximación a los casos de Oviedo y Madrid a través del Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica / The destruction of the documentary and bibliographic university heritage during the Spanish Civil War: Approach to the cases of Oviedo and Madrid through the Documentary Center of Historical Memory
10:45-11:00 Vicente Pons Alós; Mª Irene Manclús Cuñat Universitat de Valencia. La Universidad de Valencia y sus documentos. El fondo de Pavordes en el Archivo de la Catedral de Valencia / The University of Valencia and its documents. The collection of “pavordes” in the Archive of the Cathedral of Valencia

11:30-12:30 h. PANEL 6
11:35-11:50 Michael Gasser, ETH, Zürich. Archival Records as Data Sets – Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Scholarship for University and Research Institution Archives
11:55-12:10 Ana Margarida Dias da Silva, M.Teresa Gonçalves, Joana Cabral Oliveira, Helena Freitas, Antonio Carmo Gouveia, Joaquim Miguel Santos, Universidade de Coimbra. The value of the historical botanic archive of the University of Coimbra to biodiversity research, crowdsourcing and history, of science projects crowdsourcing and history of science projects
12:15-12:30 Polina E. Ilieva, University of California. Evolving Role of Health Sciences University Archives: Convergence of Active Research and Medical, Scientific, and Institutional Heritage

12:30-13:30 h. PANEL 7
12:35-12:50 Paulo Roberto Elian dos Santos, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). Archive documents produced by scientific activities: An analysis of the laboratory notebook
12:55-13:10 Natalia Nakano; Maria Jose Vicentini Jorente, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Design Thinking for the Digital Curation of Digital Learning Objects Repositories: an initial proposal
13:15-13:30 Caroline Brown, University of Dundee. Being Creative to Add Value: Making Archives Relevant

Jueves 4 de octubre
Thursday, October 4
Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Faculty of Translation and Documentation Auditorium

9:00-10:00 h.  PANEL 8
9:05-9:20 Silvia Schenkolewski Kroll, Bar-Ilan University. Ideología y práctica en las relaciones universidad – instituto de investigación: el caso de la Universidad de Bar-Ilán / Ideology and Practice in the Relationship between a University and a Research Institute: The Case of Bar-Ilan University, Israel
9:25-9:40 Liliana Isabel Esteves Gomes, Universidade de Coimbra. Archive of the University of Coimbra: management, communication and dissemination of information
9:45-10:00Yolanda Cagigas Ocejo; Esther Eslava Ochoa; Inés Irurita Hernández, Universidad de Navarra. Personal archives in Universities. A comparative look at different archiving cultures across the five continents

10:00-11:00 h.PANEL 9
10:05-10:20 Maggie Shapley, Australian National University. Embedding the Archives
10:25-10:40 María Castrillo, University of London. Inside the University of London Archive: Advocacy, Memory and Politics at the ‘People’s University’
10:45-11:00 Ellen O’Flaherty, University of Dublin. The Archives of Trinity College Dublin: An endangered species?

11:20-12:00 h.PANEL 10
11:25-11:40 Janet Bunde; Bradley Bauer, New York University Abu Dhabi. University Archives old and new:  the case of New York University, and its campuses in New York and Abu Dhabi
11:45-12:00 Meena Gautam, National Museum Institute, India. University Archives in India: Issues, Challenges & Future Trends, and an analytical Review

12:00-13:00 h.PANEL 11
12:05-12:20 Ruth E. Bryan, University of Kentucky. Appraisal of faculty personal papers in American public university archives: the public records retention schedule versus cultural and historical selection criteria and the role of the archives in the university
12:25-12:40 Maryna Chernyavska, University of Alberta. Canadian University Archives Policies as Identity Statements
12:45-13:00 Eleonora Todde, Università di Cagliari. The Correspondence of the Historical Archive of the University of Cagliari. An example of the nineteenth century documentary management

16:00-17:00 h.   PANEL 12
16:05-16:20 Manuela Moro-Cabero; PepitaRaventós; Yolanda Cagigas, Universidad de Salamanca Universitat de lleida Universidad de Navarra. El valor de las normas ISO 15489-1 e ISO 30301 para sentar las bases del archivo electrónico de patrimonio universitario: Un estudio de su impacto y oportunidad en un tiempo líquido / The value of the ISO 15489-1 and ISO 30301 standards in laying the foundations for university heritage e-Archives. A study of their impact in liquid time
16:25-16:40 Maria Jose Vicentini Jorente, Universidade Estadual Paulista. A Customization Experience of the AtoM for the Digital Curation of the Heterogeneous Collections of São Paulo State University in Brazil
16:45-17:00 Glynn Edwards, Stanford University. Making email archives of enduring value accessible with ePADD

Viernes, 5 de octubre
Friday, October 5
Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Faculty of Translation and Documentation Auditorium

9:00-10:00 h.PANEL 13
9:05-9:20 Isabel María Sanz Caballero, Universidad de Extremadura. Los archivos universitarios en Iberoamérica: Un estudio cibermétrico / The University Archives in Iberoamérica: A cibermetric study
9:25-9:40 Cara Setsu Bertram, University of Illinois. Putting the User First: The Importance of the Reference Archivist in Online Projects
9:45-10:00 Mónica Arribas López- Anglada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. El Archivo de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela / University of Santiago de Compostela Archives

10:00-11:00 h. PANEL 14
10:05-10:20 Patti Harper, Carleton University. You want a book to do what? Revisiting the Archival Image, Representation and Commemoration
10:25-10:40 Carey Beam; Carrie Schwier, Indiana University. Place-based Instruction in Archives: Our Pedagogical Roots
10:45-11:00 Moira Rankin; Tony Pollard, University of Glasgow. All over by Christmas?: Commemorating the Centenary of the First World War at the University of Glasgow

11:30-12:50 h. PANEL 15
11:35-11:50 Joao Augusto Dias Barreira e Oliveira; Maria José Vicentini Jorente, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Platform for the dissemination of the documentary and photographic memory of São Paulo State University
11:55-12:10 Elaine Penn,  University of Westminster. Blurring the lines: an holistic approach to university records and archives
12:15-12:30 Ryder Kouba, American University in Cairo. A Tale of Two Revolutions: From American University in Cairo’s founding to the Revolution on the Square
12:35-12:50 María-Lidón París-Folch, Universitat Jaume I. Innovating with the past: challenges and opportunities for the Archive of Universitat Jaume I

16-17 h. Debate   William J. Maher (University of Illinois), moderador/Moderator



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