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Universidad de Salamanca
María Jesús Santos Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento Física Aplicada
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1.       Many software programs for recording and editing sounds can be found on the World Wide Web. An excellent free program is provided by Audacity (

2.       J.A. White, M.J. Santos, A. González & S. Velasco, “Timing the oscillations of a mass-spring system“, The Physics Education, (in press).

3.       S. Velasco, M.J. Santos, A. González &, J.A. White, “Timing the oscillations of a pendulum“, The Physics Education, 46(3) 133-134 (March 2011).

4.       S. Ganci, “Measurement of g by means of the ‘improper’ use of sound card software: a multipurpose experiment,” Phys. Educ. 43(3), 297 (2008).

5.       J. A. White, F.L. Román, A. Medina, and S. Velasco, “A measurement of g listening to falling balls,” Phys. Teach. 45(3), 175 (2007).

6.       L. Hmurcik, A. Slacik, H. Miller, and S. Samoncik, “Linear regression analysis in a first physics lab,” Am. J. Phys. 57(2), 135 (1989).

7.       R. Dwayne, “An Inexpensive Computer-Controlled Photogate,” Phys. Teach. 43(3), 169 (2005)


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Timing the oscillations of a mass-spring system (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Education”

Spring - Magnet

Spring - Magnet

“Timing oscillations of a mass‐spring system” J. A. White, M. J. Santos, A. González y S. Velasco. Revista: Physics Education”, 46, p. 378-379, July 2011.

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Parabolic Throw (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Teacher”:

Parabolic Throw

Parabolic Throw

Parabolic Throw Paper

J.A. White, A. Medina, F.L. Román & S. Velasco, “A measurement of g listening to falling balls”, The Physics Teacher, vol 45, pp. 175-177, 2007.

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Free fall (paper)

Paper published in “Physics Education:

Free fall

Free fall

Free fall Paper

S. Ganci, “Measurement of g by means of de “improper” use of a sound card software: a multipurpose experiment”, Physisc Education, 43(3), 297 (2008).

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Timing the oscillations of a pendulum (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Education”

pendulum optocoupler
Pendulum optocoupler

Pendulum Paper

S. Velasco, M.J. Santos, A. González & J.A. White, “Timing the oscillations of a pendulum”, The Physics Education, 46(3) 133-134 (March 2011).

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Parabolic throw (poster)

Sience on Stage 2011 poster


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Free fall (poster)

Science on Stage 2011 poster


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Simple Pendulum (poster)

postersos_pendulumScience on Stage 2011 poster

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Spring (poster)

Science on Stage 2011 poster

Poster Science on Stage - Spring
Poster Science on Stage – Spring
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Nuestro laboratorio en la prensa


Recogemos en esta entrada el articulo que apareció en “La Gaceta” de Salamanca, el dia 5 de octubre de 2011.

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Política de privacidad
Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional