Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
María Jesús Santos Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento Física Aplicada
Maria Jesus

About Maria Jesus

Archivo del Autor | Maria Jesus

Timing the oscillations of a mass-spring system (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Education”

Spring - Magnet

Spring - Magnet

“Timing oscillations of a mass‐spring system” J. A. White, M. J. Santos, A. González y S. Velasco. Revista: Physics Education”, 46, p. 378-379, July 2011.

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Parabolic Throw (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Teacher”:

Parabolic Throw

Parabolic Throw

Parabolic Throw Paper

J.A. White, A. Medina, F.L. Román & S. Velasco, “A measurement of g listening to falling balls”, The Physics Teacher, vol 45, pp. 175-177, 2007.

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Free fall (paper)

Paper published in “Physics Education:

Free fall

Free fall

Free fall Paper

S. Ganci, “Measurement of g by means of de “improper” use of a sound card software: a multipurpose experiment”, Physisc Education, 43(3), 297 (2008).

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Timing the oscillations of a pendulum (paper)

Paper published in “The Physics Education”

pendulum optocoupler
Pendulum optocoupler

Pendulum Paper

S. Velasco, M.J. Santos, A. González & J.A. White, “Timing the oscillations of a pendulum”, The Physics Education, 46(3) 133-134 (March 2011).

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Parabolic throw (poster)

Sience on Stage 2011 poster


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Free fall (poster)

Science on Stage 2011 poster


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Simple Pendulum (poster)

postersos_pendulumScience on Stage 2011 poster

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Spring (poster)

Science on Stage 2011 poster

Poster Science on Stage - Spring
Poster Science on Stage – Spring
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Nuestro laboratorio en la prensa


Recogemos en esta entrada el articulo que apareció en “La Gaceta” de Salamanca, el dia 5 de octubre de 2011.

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We present four experiments (spring, pendulum, free fall, and parabolic throw) for measuring the acceleration due to gravity g, using a computer sound card. In each case, a device is connected to the audio input and an audio editing software [1] is used for recording the electric signal generated by the device. This method allows time measurements with an accuracy of about 10-4 s.

  • In the mass-spring system [2], the signal comes from the electric current generated in a coil by a magnet attached to the mass hanger.
  • In the pendulum case [3], the signal comes from an optocoupler that detects the motion of the thread.
  • In the free fall case [4], the signal comes from the electric current generated by the passage of a small magnet through three coils located at different heights in a vertical methacrylate tube.
  • In the parabolic throw case [5], the signal comes from the sound generated by a steel ball, stroked by another ball, from a known height.

These experiments are enriched with other physical phenomena that contribute to learning with the support of new technologies.

Esquema experiencias medida de g
Esquema experiencias medida de g
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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional