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Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
María Jesús Santos Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento Física Aplicada

The emerging physics of topological and Dirac matter – Olga Arroyo

SemIUFFyMNov2024Dear all,

this is the announcement of our first colloquium next Thursday at 13:00 (see details below).
As always, coffee and some snacks will be offered at 12:30 next to the pendulum of Edificio Trilingüe (Facultad de Ciencias).
Title: The emerging physics of topological and Dirac matter
Speaker: Olga Arroyo
Departamento de Física Fundamental – Universidad de Salamanca
Abstract: The study of the electronic properties of quantum materials has notably advanced in the last years, partly because of the flourishing of Dirac materials. These systems show low-energy dispersion relations that can be reproduced by the Dirac equation, with topological materials or graphene as renowned examples. First, we will explore the emergence of geometric moiré patterns and the so-called “magic angle physics” in quasi-one-dimensional systems based on graphene. Next, we will study the robustness of the symmetry-protected surface states that appear in topological crystalline insulators. Finally, we will present other types of topological systems, such as those with fragile topology, and their signatures in two-dimensional materials.
Room: Aula I (Edificio Trilingüe, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca)
Time: 13:00
Date: Thursday, November 7th.
We hope to see you there!
Maria Jesus


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