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Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
María Jesús Santos Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento Física Aplicada

Award for Secondary School Teaching


The European Physical Society (EPS), acting through its Physics
Education Division (PED) *grants the **Award for Secondary School
Teaching *subject to the following criteria:* The award should be made to an individual high school teacher. (It
is not a team award.)
* The award should recognize work that directly affects students of
   physics in one or more European secondary schools. (Secondary school
may be broadly interpreted, but specifically excludes primary
schools and universities.)
* The award should recognize a specific contribution to teaching,
particularly one that might be taken up in a range of countries. (It
is not a lifetime achievement award, nor is it an award for research
into teaching, though teaching may be broadly interpreted and should
   include activities that encourage students to take up the study of
   physics or improve access to the study of physics.)
* _Particular consideration will be given in 2021 for work in remote
or on-line teaching in physics._The award consists of a certificate and the amount of  1,000 (one
thousand euros)._It is intended that the award will be presented during the GIREP
Seminar on Teacher Education and Development, which is currently
scheduled to take place in November 2021 at the University of Malta,
travel restrictions permitting_. _The award winner is normally provided
with additional funding to allow his or her attendance._

The award committee consist of four ordinary members and a chair, all
nominated by the EPS Physics Education Division.

A single nomination is invited from each National Physical Society
belonging to the EPS in the year of the award.

The nomination should be no longer than 500 words and should be in English.

The Societies should be particularly encouraged to nominate individuals
who have already won a national prize or award. The Societies should
also be encouraged to consult national associations of physics/science
teachers regarding suitable candidates.

The closing date for nominations is on 28th May 2021.

Thank you.

Best regards,

David Lee, EPS Secretary General,
David Sands, EPS PED chairperson.

Maria Jesus


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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional