Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
María Jesús Santos Sánchez
Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento Física Aplicada

Cursos en la ESA

esa-flag-patchLa Agencia Espacial Europea ha anunciado cinco talleres para los primeros meses del año próximo:

CubeSats Concurrent Engineering Workshop 2018:
Date: 16-19 January 2018
Description: This Concurrent Engineering Workshop is dedicated to CubeSats. The university students will learn about the Concurrent Design of a defined CubeSat mission and will work in small teams of 2 to 3 persons on each subsystem concept.
Open to: 3rd/4th year Bachelor, Master and PhD engineering or physics students from future or early phase CubeSats teams.
Application Deadline: 11 December 2017 (extended)
For more information on the workshopCall for CubeSats Concurrent Engineering Workshop
To applyApplication form

Concurrent Engineering Workshops 2018:
Dates: 20-23 February 2018 and 1- 4 May 2018
Description: During these Concurrent Engineering Workshops, the university students will learn about the Concurrent Engineering approach and how to use the Open Concurrent Design Tool (OCDT). Divided in small teams of 2 to 3 persons, they will create and develop iteratively subsystems to achieve a defined mission.
Open to: Master or PhD engineering or physics students.
Application Deadline: 5 January 2018
For more information: Call for Concurrent Engineering Workshops
To apply: Application form

CubeSats Hands-On Training Week 2018:
Dates: 26 February – 2 March 2018
Description:  During this pilot Training Week, the university students will learn about small satellite design and testing through lab sessions delivered by Theia Space using a CubeSat training model (ESAT). The lab sessions will be complemented by technical lectures delivered by ESA experts. This Training Week is especially suitable for students who are involved in a CubeSat project or would like to be.
Open to: Bachelor, Master and PhD engineering students.
Application Deadline: 8 January 2018
For more information: Call for CubeSats Hands-On Training Week
To apply: Application form

Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Communications Training Course 2018:
Dates: 6-9 March 2018
Description: The students will be introduced to the fascinating world of spacecraft communications. This Training Course will be constituted of formal lectures with a heavy emphasis on interactions with the students about the challenges of communicating with a spacecraft and the subsystems involved in communications (both on-board and on the ground): what can go wrong, troubleshooting, and traps to be avoided during operations and testing.
Open to: 3rd/4th year Bachelor, Master and PhD engineering students.
Application Deadline: 22 January 2018
For more information: Call for Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Communications
To applyApplication form


Maria Jesus

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