Mathematica beyond mathematics Second Edition is available

ORIGINAL BOOK: Sánchez León, J.G. (2023). Mathematica Beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World (2nd ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC.

It is a pleasure to announce the second edition of the book: Mathematica Beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World is available.
The first edition has been highly valued (4.7 of 5).
This new edition includes a detailed discussion of the new capabilities added to the latest version of Mathematica (version 13), and introduces new topics related to machine learning, big data, finance, economics, and physics. The examples strike a balance between relevance and difficulty in terms of Mathematica syntax, allowing readers to incrementally build-up their Mathematica skills as they go through the chapters. While reading this book, you will also learn more about the Wolfram Language and how to use it to solve a wide variety of real-world problems.
The author would like to express his gratitude to Ruben Garcia Berasategui for his help in writing both editions. Most likely, I would not have written the book without his participation.
 Note: Online supplementary materials to download, including code snippets used in the book and additional examples, are available in the book’s website:
Look at some examples of the supplementary materials HERE
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