Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Lola Pereira

IGCP Seminars at the University of Salamanca

Looking for raw materials: from meteorites to other planets, other than Earth.
Cartel Raw Materials USAL-EN

In 1984, IUGS approved the new Commission on Comparative Planetology. It was clear at the time that the Earth should go global and other planets should be researched. The Commission ended the activities in 2000, but now more tan ever it is clear that other planets can be our allies in the search of natural resources. For this reason, the IGCP-746 has started to expand its main objective of studying natural resources on Earth and is looking for strategies to obtain critical raw materials in other planets and also the Moon, revisiting the ethical matters related to that. This November, Dr. Martínez Frías gave a seminar to students and staff at the University of Salamanca in the context of the IGCP-746. Dr Martínez Frías, being an expert in this subject, explained to a forum of more than twenty people, including ERASMUS students and International students, how to think of exploring other planets for economic reason is not science fiction.

seminario Jesús

Participantes meteoritos

About mdp

Soy profesora en el departamento de Geología de la USAL. Actualmente soy responsable de un equipo de investigación GIR ( y coordino un grupo de innovación docente ( Confío en ir pasando poco a poco a Diarium todas nuestras actividades, para que las personas que estén interesadas en ellas nos den ideas o se unan a nuestros objetivos. Podeis encontrar información sobre mis asignaturas en las páginas de Stvdium y en las de OCW, porque están en abierto. También participo en el proyecto de Biodiversidad Virtual (


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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional