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Universidad de Salamanca
Lola Pereira


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  1. Pereira, D. (2024) Stones that Tell Stories. Geoheritage, Vol. 16, Núm. 2. doi: 10.1007/S12371-024-00944-Y
  2. Sánchez Fabián, J.A., Salman Monte, K., Pereira, D. (2024) Las Loras UNESCO Global Geopark: a useful scenery to disseminate and communicate natural hazards in the context of a risk society. In book: GEOHAZARDS IN EUROPEAN GEOPARKS. Publisher: UNESCO
  3. De Felipe, I., Cruz, A., Pereira, D. (2024) UNESCO Global Geoparks as useful sceneries to disseminate science and raise awareness of geological risks: the case of Las Loras Geopark (Spain). Episodes. DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2024/024012
  4. Pereira, D.; Hernández, S. (2023) Linking Cultural and Postindustrial Heritage with Potential Economic Activities—A Proposal to Revitalize a Demographically Degraded Area in Spain. Heritage, 6(11), 7244-7260; doi: 10.3390/heritage6110380
  5. Pereira, D.; Rivas, T.; López, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Bloise, A. (2023) Characterization of Talcose Rocks Derived from Serpentinite—Pilot Study in the Ultramafic Complex of Cabo Ortegal (Spain) for Potential Use and Commercialization. Appl. Sci., 13, 12183.
  6. Pereira, D.; López, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Bloise, (2023) A. The Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration. Appl. Sci. 13, 43.
  7. Pereira, D. (2023) The Value of Natural Stones to Gain in the Cultural and Geological Diversity of Our Global Heritage. Heritage, 6, 4542-4556.
  8. Pereira, D. (2023) Gender diversity in editorial boards of scientific journals. Some Earth Science case studies for a Geoethical reflection. Episodes 46(4), pp. 509-520. DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2022/022049
  9. Pereira, D., López, A.J., Ramil, A., Bloise, A.(2022) The Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration. Applied Sciences, 13-1. doi: 10.3390/app13010043
  10. Navarro, R., Monterrubio, S. & Pereira, D. The Importance of Preserving Small Heritage Sites: the Case of La Tuiza Sanctuary (Zamora, Spain). Geoheritage 14, 47 (2022).
  11. Dino, G.A.; Mancini, S.; Lasagna, M.; Bonetto, S.M.R.; De Luca, D.A.; Pereira, M.D.; Baptista, E.H.; de Ferro Miranda Miguel, I.L.; Nuvunga, F.; Victória, S.S.; Rodrigues, N. Cooperative Projects to Share Good Practices towards More Effective Sustainable Mining—SUGERE: A Case Study. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3162.
  12. López, A.J., Pozo-Antonio, S., Moreno, A., Rivas, T., Pereira, D., Ramil, A. (2022) Femtosecond laser texturing as a tool to increase the hydrophobicity of ornamental stone: The influence of lithology and texture. Journal of Building Engineering, V 51.
  13. Ricchiuti, C., Pereira, D., Punturo, R., Giorno, E., Miriello, D., Bloise, A. (2021) Hazardous Elements in Asbestos Tremolite from the Basilicata Region, Southern Italy: A First Step. Fibers 9(8), 47;
  14. López, A.J., Pereira, D. (2021) The value of transfer of knowledge in bridging the gender gap in STEM. Sustainability 2021, 13(10), 5426;
  15. Bloise, A., Ricchiuti, C., Navarro, R. (2021) Natural occurrence of asbestos in serpentinite quarries from Southern Spain.  Environmental geochemistry and health.
  16. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Fernández, E., Rodríguez-Navarro, C. (2021) Weathering of serpentinite stone due to in situ generation of calcium and magnesium sulfates. Construction and Building Materials
  17. Pereira, D. and López, A.J. (2021) Is helping to bridge the gender gap in STEM considered as transfer of knowledge? TEEM proceedings.
  18. Pereira, D. (2021) Final report of IGCP-637: a Project Linking Researchers and Heritage Stones from around the World. Episodes, 44-1
  19. Pereira, D., Tejado Ramos, J.J. and Mota, M.I. (2021) Azul Platino: a bluish granite from Extremadura (Spain) to be considered in the context of architectural heritageEpisodes, 44-1
  20. Bloise, A., Ricchiuti, C., Punturo, R., and Pereira, D. (2020) Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the Calabria region (Italy). Chemical Geology, 558.
  21. López, A.J., Pereira, D. (2020) Transfer of knowledge: is it a gender matter?
  22. Monterrubio, S., Navarro, R. and Pereira, D. (2020) Relevance of the mineralogical characterisation of serpentinites for their use as dimension stone. An example from Galicia, SpainEpisodes, 43-3
  23. Pereira, D., Lee, J.Y., Finney, S. (2019) Note from PC Executive Episodes: a journal with a scientific and social impact. Episodes, 42-3, 185-186
  24. López, A.J., A. Ramil,  J.S. Pozo-Antonio,T. Rivas and D. Pereira (2019) Ultrafast Laser Surface Texturing: A Sustainable Tool to Modify Wettability Properties of Marble. Sustainability, 11-15, 145-161
  25. Sousa, L., Martinho, J., Pereira, D. (2019) Suitable Re-Use of Abandoned Quarries for Restoration and Conservation of the Old City of Salamanca—World Heritage Site. Sustainability, 11-15, 203-216.
  26. Nespereira, J., Navarro, R., Monterrubio, S., Yenes, M., Pereira, D. (2019) Serpentinite from Moeche (Galicia, North Western Spain). A Stone Used for Centuries in the Construction of the Architectural Heritage of the Region. Sustainability , 11, 2700;
  27. Pereira, D. (2019) Natural Stone and World Heritage: Salamanca (Spain). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group.
  28. Navarro, R., Catarino, L., Pereira, D., Gil, F. (2019)  Effect of UV radiation on chromatic parameters in serpentinites used as dimension stones. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
  29. Rivero Crespo, M.A.; Pereira Gómez, D.; Villa García, M.V.; Gallardo Amores, J.M.; Sánchez Escribano, V. Characterization of Serpentines from Different Regions by Transmission Electron Microscopy, X-ray Diffraction, BET Specific Surface Area and Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy. Fibers 2019, 7, 47.
  30. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. del Barrio, S. (2018) Influence of natural carbonation process in serpentinites used as construction and building materials. Construction and Building Materials 170, 537–546
  31. Pereira, D. (2017) Should geoscientists, employers, funding agencies and publishers be slaves to impact factors? Episodes 40-4. 333-341 Episodes 2017 metrics
  32. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Cruz, A.S. and Carrillo, G. (2017) The significance of “White Macael” marble since ancient times. Characteristics of a candidate as Global Heritage Stone Resource.  Geoheritage (DOI: 10.1007/s12371-017-0265-9)
  33. Pereira, D., Pérez Castro, P. (2017) Art Museums: a good context for outreach activities on natural stones and heritage. Geoheritage (DOI: 10.1007/s12371-017-0265-9)
  34. González, C., Pereira, D. y Baltuille, J.M. (2017) Granitos de Salamanca. Un ejemplo perfecto para el reconocimiento de la piedra natural como recurso patrimonial y su uso en restauración. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 128 (2): 677-688
  35. De Wever, P., Baudin, F., Pereira, D., Cornee, A., Egoroff, G. and Page, K. (2016) The importance of Geosites and Heritage Stones in Cities. A review. Geoheritage DOI: 10.1007/s12371-016-0210-3
  36. Pereira, D. (2016) The value of Global Heritage Stone Resource Designation in enhancing and recovering our legacy and culture. 2015 Toulouse international Congress Proceedings
  37. Pereira, D. y Díaz, C. (2016) Are women properly represented in scientific publication and research? Interim results from a Spanish case study in Earth Sciences. E__Published issues_Episodes_20
  38. Pereira, D. y Marker, B. (2016) The value of original natural stone in the context of architectural  heritage. Geosciences, March 2016 (artículo por invitación)
  39. Pereira, D. y Marker, B.  (2016) Repair and Maintenance of Natural Stone in Historical Structures: The Potential Role of the IUGS Global Heritage Stone Initiative. Geoscience Canada, March 2016.
  40. Wikström, A., Pereira, D., Lundqvist, T. and Cooper, B. (2015) The Dala (Älvdalen) porphyries from Sweden. Episodes, 38-2, 79-84.
  41. Pereira, D.,  Tourneur, F.,  Bernáldez, L. and  García-Blázquez, A. (2015) Petit Granit: a Belgian limestone used in heritage, construction and sculpture. Episodes, 38-2, 85-90.
  42. Pereira, A., Pereira, D., Neves, L., Azevedo, J.M., and Campos, A. (2015) Evaluation of the groundwater quality based in radiological and hydrochemical data from two uraniferous regions of Western Iberia: Nisa (Portugal) and Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences, 73-6, 2717-2731.
  43. Pereira, D.,  Marker, B.,  Kramar, S., Cooper, B., and Schouenborg, B. (2015) Introduction. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 1-4
  44. Wikström, A. and Pereira, D. (2015) The Kolmården serpentine marble in Sweden, a stone found both in castles and every-day homes. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 49-56.
  45. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Rodríguez-Navarro, C. and Sebastian Pardo, E. (2015) The Sierra Nevada Serpentinites: the serpentinites most used in Spanish Heritage buildings. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 101-108.
  46. Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. and del Barrio, S. (2015) Piedra Pajarilla: a candidacy as a Global Heritage Stone Resource for Martinamor granite. In: Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 93-100.
  47. Pereira, D. (2014) Improving female participation in professional engineering geology to bring new perspectives on ethics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11: 9429-9445 .
  48. Pereira, D., Baltuille, J.M. (2014) Documenting natural stone to preserve our cultural and architectonic heritageMateriales de Construccion, 64 (314),
  49. Pereira, D. and Cooper, B. (2014) A Global Heritage Stone Province in Association with the UNESCO World Heritage City of Salamanca, Spain. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, vol. 5. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  50. Pereira, D. and Cooper, B. (2014): “Building stone as part of a World Heritage site: “Piedra Pajarilla” granite and the city of Salamanca (Spain). In: Stone in Historic Buildings: Characterization and Performance, Geological Society Special Publications, 391, 7-16.
  51. Pereira, A., Pereira, D., Neves, L., Peinado, M. and Armenteros, I. (2013): Radiological data on building stones from a Spanish region: Castilla y León, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13, 3493-3501.
  52. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. and del Barrio, S. (2013): Caracterización mineralógica y físico-mecánica de las serpentinitas de la comarca de Macael (Almería, S de España) para su uso como roca ornamental. Geogaceta 54, 47-50.
  53. Pereira, D., Baltuille, J.M. and Cooper, B. (2013): Documenting the architectonic heritage: the best way of preserving it. In: Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ed. Miguel Angel Rogerio-Candelera; Massimo Lazzari; Emilio Cano, CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group. October 2013, 446 Pages
  54. Pereira, D., PEINADO, M. y BLANCO, J.A. (2013): “Misuse of natural stone for construction and the consequences in buildings. Case of study of serpentinites”. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25-10, 1563-1567.
  55. Pereira, D. and Neves, L. (2013): Student’s final projects: an opportunity to link research and teaching. In: Geoscience: Research-enhanced Education at Universities, Tong, V. C. H. (ed.), Springer, Dordrecht: 237-252 V. C. H. TONG -2014- Geoscience Research and Education – Springer
  56. Cooper, B., Marker, B., Pereira, D. and Schouenborg, B. (2013) Establishment of the “Heritage Stone Task Group” (HSTG). Episodes vol. 36-1. March 2013
  57. Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. y del Barrio, S. (2013): “Verde Macael: A serpentinite wrongly referred to as a marble. Geosciences 3-1, 102-113.
  58. Pereira, D. (2012): “A report on serpentinites in the context of heritage stone resources”. Episodes vol. 35, 478-480.
  59. Pereira, D. y Peinado, M. (2012) “Serpentinite”. Geology Today (Building Stones Explained 7), vol. 28-4, 152-156. Geology Today 2012
  60. Pereira, D., Neves, L., Pereira, A., Peinado, M., Blanco, J.A. and Tejado, J.J. (2012) “A radiological study of some ornamental stones: bluish granites from Extremadura (Spain)”. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12: 395-401.
  61. García-Barriuso,  M., Bernado, S., Nabais, C.,  Pereira, D.; Amich, F. (2011) “The Paleosubtropical element Notholaena marantae (L.) Desv subsp. marantae in serpentine areas in the west of Iberian Peninsula: Phytogeochemical study, distribution and conservation.” Biologia 66/2: 258-265.
  62. Pereira, D.; NEVES, L.; Pereira, A.; González-Neila, C. (2011): “Natural radioactivity in ornamental stones: an approach for its study in known samples from Iberia.” Bulletin of Engineering and the Environment 70:543–547
  63. Pereira, D., Peinado, M.; Yenes, M.; Monterrubio, S.; Nespereira, J. y Blanco, J.A. (2010): “Serpentinites from Cabo Ortegal (Galicia, Spain): a search for correct use as ornamental stones”. Geological Society of London. Special publication 333: 81-85.
  64. Pereira, D.; Recio,  S.; Gonzalo, J.C. (2010) “Evolution of the landscape as a response of a demographic change. A case of study in the Duero riverside, Spain.” Local Environment, vol 15-5, 419-431.
  65. Nespereira, J.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M. y Pereira, D. (2010 ):  “Opal cementation in tertiary sandstones used as ornamental stones”. Engineering Geology vol. 115, 167-174.
  66. Pereira, D., Peinado, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Yenes, M.(2008): “Geochemical characterization of a serpentinization process at Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain)”. The Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 46: 317-327
  67. Pereira, D.; Yenes, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Peinado, M. (2007): “Characterization of serpentinites to define their appropriate use as dimension stone”. Geological Society of London. Special publication. 271: 55-62.
  68. González Menéndez, L.; Azor, A.; Pereira, D.  y  Acosta, A. (2006) “Petrogenesis del plutón de Santa Eulalia (Alto Alentejo, Portugal)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 19 (1-2), 69-86.
  69. Nespereira, J.; Yenes, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Pereira, D. (2006) “Propiedades geotecnicas de la unidad Arcosas del Teso Grande (Salamanca)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 19 (3-4), 181-196.
  70. Pereira, M.D.; Jover, F. y Blanco, F. (2005): “Geología “on the rocks”: Un paseo geológico por la hostelería de Salamanca”. Kafka nº 4, 15-34.
  71. Pereira, M.D.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M. y Pereira, M. (2005): “Las serpentinitas y su correcta utilización en construcción”. Roc Maquina. Sept. 2005, 24-27.
  72. Pereira, M.D.; Peinado, M.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M.; Fallick, A. y Upton, B. (2004): “Serpentinite: a potential natural stone in Spain”, en PRIKRYL, R. (Ed.): Dimension stone. Balkema. Taylor and Francis Group. London, 85-87.
  73. Pereira Gomez, M. D. (2004): “Petrogenesis and evolution of Peña Negra, an anatectic complex in the Spanish Central System”, en THOMAS, H. (Ed.): Metamorphism and Crustal Evolution. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. New Delhi, 90-119.
  74. BERNAL, M. N.; Pereira, M.D. y Forteza, J. (2003): “Influencia antropogenica en la existencia de anomalías geoquímicas de formaciones superficiales”. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia vol. 39, 37-54.
  75. Pereira, M.D.; Shaw, D.M. y Acosta, A. (2003): “Mobile trace elements and fluid-dominated processes in the Ronda Peridotite, Southern Spain”. The Canadian Mineralogist vol 41, 617-625.
  76. Acosta, A.; Pereira, M.D.; Shaw, D.M. y LONDON, D. (2001): “Contrasting behaviour of boron during crustal anatexis”. Lithos, vol. 56-1: 15-31.
  77. Acosta, A.; Pereira,M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (2000): “Influence of volatiles in the generation of crustal anatectic melts”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. vol. 69-70, 339-342.
  78. Pereira, M.D. y Rodríguez Alonso, M.D. (2000): “Duality of cordierite granites related to melt-restite segregation in the Peña Negra Anatectic Complex, central Spain”. Canadian Mineralogist,vol 38: 1329-1346.
  79. Pereira, M.D. y SHAW, D.M. (1999): “Relationship between tectonic structures and generation of melt in central Spain”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A. vol. 24-3, 317-319.
  80. Pereira, M.D. (1998): “Pressure and Temperature conditions in the generation of an anatectic complex in central Spain: the Peña Negra complex”. Petrology vol 6, n.6, 555-563.
  81. Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1997): “The behaviour of boron during anatexis. A case of study: the Peña Negra anatectic complex, central Spain”. Lithos 40, 179-188.
  82. Acosta, A., Pereira, M.D., Shaw, D.M. y Bea, F. (1997). “Serpentinización de la peridotita de Ronda (cordillera Betica) como respuesta a la interacción con fluidos ricos en volátiles: comportamiento del boro”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España vol. 10 (3-4), 99-106.
  83. Hall, A.; Pereira, M. D. y Bea, F. (1996): “The abundance of ammonium in the granites of central Spain, and the behaviour of ammonium ion during anatexis and fractional crystallization”. Mineralogy and Petrology 56, 105-123.
  84. Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1996): “Boron and lithium distribution of B and Li in the Peña Negra complex: an alpha-track study”. American Mineralogist 81, 141-145.
  85. Bea, F.; Pereira, M.D.; Corretgé, L.G. y Fershtater, G.B. (1994): “Differentiation of strongly peraluminous, perphosphorous granites. The Pedrobernardo pluton, Central Spain”. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 58-12, 2609-2629.
  86. Bea, F.; Pereira, M.D. y Stroh, A. (1994): “Mineral/Leucosome trace element partitioning in a peraluminous migmatite (a laser ablation- ICP-MS study): constraints on melt-producing reactions during crustal anatexis”. Chemical Geology 117, 291-312.
  87. Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1994): “Imágenes de partículas alpha en el análisis de la microdistribución de boro y litio en los materiales de un complejo anatectico: La Peña Negra (Batolito de Ávila)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España vol.7 (3-4).
  88. Pereira, M. D. y Bea, F. (1994): “Cordierite-producing reactions at the Peña Negra complex, Avila Batholith, Central Spain: The key role of cordierite in low-pressure anatexis”. The Canadian Mineralogist vol. 32-4, 763-780




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