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- Pereira, D. (2024) Stones that Tell Stories. Geoheritage, Vol. 16, Núm. 2. doi: 10.1007/S12371-024-00944-Y
- Sánchez Fabián, J.A., Salman Monte, K., Pereira, D. (2024) Las Loras UNESCO Global Geopark: a useful scenery to disseminate and communicate natural hazards in the context of a risk society. In book: GEOHAZARDS IN EUROPEAN GEOPARKS. Publisher: UNESCO
- De Felipe, I., Cruz, A., Pereira, D. (2024) UNESCO Global Geoparks as useful sceneries to disseminate science and raise awareness of geological risks: the case of Las Loras Geopark (Spain). Episodes. DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2024/024012
- Pereira, D.; Hernández, S. (2023) Linking Cultural and Postindustrial Heritage with Potential Economic Activities—A Proposal to Revitalize a Demographically Degraded Area in Spain. Heritage, 6(11), 7244-7260; doi: 10.3390/heritage6110380
- Pereira, D.; Rivas, T.; López, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Bloise, A. (2023) Characterization of Talcose Rocks Derived from Serpentinite—Pilot Study in the Ultramafic Complex of Cabo Ortegal (Spain) for Potential Use and Commercialization. Appl. Sci., 13, 12183.
- Pereira, D.; López, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Bloise, (2023) A. The Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration. Appl. Sci. 13, 43.
- Pereira, D. (2023) The Value of Natural Stones to Gain in the Cultural and Geological Diversity of Our Global Heritage. Heritage, 6, 4542-4556.
- Pereira, D. (2023) Gender diversity in editorial boards of scientific journals. Some Earth Science case studies for a Geoethical reflection. Episodes 46(4), pp. 509-520. DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2022/022049
- Pereira, D., López, A.J., Ramil, A., Bloise, A.(2022) The Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration. Applied Sciences, 13-1. doi: 10.3390/app13010043
- Navarro, R., Monterrubio, S. & Pereira, D. The Importance of Preserving Small Heritage Sites: the Case of La Tuiza Sanctuary (Zamora, Spain). Geoheritage 14, 47 (2022).
- Dino, G.A.; Mancini, S.; Lasagna, M.; Bonetto, S.M.R.; De Luca, D.A.; Pereira, M.D.; Baptista, E.H.; de Ferro Miranda Miguel, I.L.; Nuvunga, F.; Victória, S.S.; Rodrigues, N. Cooperative Projects to Share Good Practices towards More Effective Sustainable Mining—SUGERE: A Case Study. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3162.
- López, A.J., Pozo-Antonio, S., Moreno, A., Rivas, T., Pereira, D., Ramil, A. (2022) Femtosecond laser texturing as a tool to increase the hydrophobicity of ornamental stone: The influence of lithology and texture. Journal of Building Engineering, V 51.
- Ricchiuti, C., Pereira, D., Punturo, R., Giorno, E., Miriello, D., Bloise, A. (2021) Hazardous Elements in Asbestos Tremolite from the Basilicata Region, Southern Italy: A First Step. Fibers 9(8), 47;
- López, A.J., Pereira, D. (2021) The value of transfer of knowledge in bridging the gender gap in STEM. Sustainability 2021, 13(10), 5426;
- Bloise, A., Ricchiuti, C., Navarro, R. (2021) Natural occurrence of asbestos in serpentinite quarries from Southern Spain. Environmental geochemistry and health.
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Fernández, E., Rodríguez-Navarro, C. (2021) Weathering of serpentinite stone due to in situ generation of calcium and magnesium sulfates. Construction and Building Materials
- Pereira, D. and López, A.J. (2021) Is helping to bridge the gender gap in STEM considered as transfer of knowledge? TEEM proceedings.
- Pereira, D. (2021) Final report of IGCP-637: a Project Linking Researchers and Heritage Stones from around the World. Episodes, 44-1
- Pereira, D., Tejado Ramos, J.J. and Mota, M.I. (2021) Azul Platino: a bluish granite from Extremadura (Spain) to be considered in the context of architectural heritage. Episodes, 44-1
- Bloise, A., Ricchiuti, C., Punturo, R., and Pereira, D. (2020) Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the Calabria region (Italy). Chemical Geology, 558.
- López, A.J., Pereira, D. (2020) Transfer of knowledge: is it a gender matter?
- Monterrubio, S., Navarro, R. and Pereira, D. (2020) Relevance of the mineralogical characterisation of serpentinites for their use as dimension stone. An example from Galicia, Spain. Episodes, 43-3
- Pereira, D., Lee, J.Y., Finney, S. (2019) Note from PC Executive Episodes: a journal with a scientific and social impact. Episodes, 42-3, 185-186
- López, A.J., A. Ramil, J.S. Pozo-Antonio,T. Rivas and D. Pereira (2019) Ultrafast Laser Surface Texturing: A Sustainable Tool to Modify Wettability Properties of Marble. Sustainability, 11-15, 145-161
- Sousa, L., Martinho, J., Pereira, D. (2019) Suitable Re-Use of Abandoned Quarries for Restoration and Conservation of the Old City of Salamanca—World Heritage Site. Sustainability, 11-15, 203-216.
- Nespereira, J., Navarro, R., Monterrubio, S., Yenes, M., Pereira, D. (2019) Serpentinite from Moeche (Galicia, North Western Spain). A Stone Used for Centuries in the Construction of the Architectural Heritage of the Region. Sustainability , 11, 2700;
- Pereira, D. (2019) Natural Stone and World Heritage: Salamanca (Spain). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group.
- Navarro, R., Catarino, L., Pereira, D., Gil, F. (2019) Effect of UV radiation on chromatic parameters in serpentinites used as dimension stones. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- Rivero Crespo, M.A.; Pereira Gómez, D.; Villa García, M.V.; Gallardo Amores, J.M.; Sánchez Escribano, V. Characterization of Serpentines from Different Regions by Transmission Electron Microscopy, X-ray Diffraction, BET Specific Surface Area and Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy. Fibers 2019, 7, 47.
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. del Barrio, S. (2018) Influence of natural carbonation process in serpentinites used as construction and building materials. Construction and Building Materials 170, 537–546
- Pereira, D. (2017) Should geoscientists, employers, funding agencies and publishers be slaves to impact factors? Episodes 40-4. 333-341 Episodes 2017 metrics
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Cruz, A.S. and Carrillo, G. (2017) The significance of “White Macael” marble since ancient times. Characteristics of a candidate as Global Heritage Stone Resource. Geoheritage (DOI: 10.1007/s12371-017-0265-9)
- Pereira, D., Pérez Castro, P. (2017) Art Museums: a good context for outreach activities on natural stones and heritage. Geoheritage (DOI: 10.1007/s12371-017-0265-9)
- González, C., Pereira, D. y Baltuille, J.M. (2017) Granitos de Salamanca. Un ejemplo perfecto para el reconocimiento de la piedra natural como recurso patrimonial y su uso en restauración. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 128 (2): 677-688
- De Wever, P., Baudin, F., Pereira, D., Cornee, A., Egoroff, G. and Page, K. (2016) The importance of Geosites and Heritage Stones in Cities. A review. Geoheritage DOI: 10.1007/s12371-016-0210-3
- Pereira, D. (2016) The value of Global Heritage Stone Resource Designation in enhancing and recovering our legacy and culture. 2015 Toulouse international Congress Proceedings
- Pereira, D. y Díaz, C. (2016) Are women properly represented in scientific publication and research? Interim results from a Spanish case study in Earth Sciences. E__Published issues_Episodes_20
- Pereira, D. y Marker, B. (2016) The value of original natural stone in the context of architectural heritage. Geosciences, March 2016 (artículo por invitación)
- Pereira, D. y Marker, B. (2016) Repair and Maintenance of Natural Stone in Historical Structures: The Potential Role of the IUGS Global Heritage Stone Initiative. Geoscience Canada, March 2016.
- Wikström, A., Pereira, D., Lundqvist, T. and Cooper, B. (2015) The Dala (Älvdalen) porphyries from Sweden. Episodes, 38-2, 79-84.
- Pereira, D., Tourneur, F., Bernáldez, L. and García-Blázquez, A. (2015) Petit Granit: a Belgian limestone used in heritage, construction and sculpture. Episodes, 38-2, 85-90.
- Pereira, A., Pereira, D., Neves, L., Azevedo, J.M., and Campos, A. (2015) Evaluation of the groundwater quality based in radiological and hydrochemical data from two uraniferous regions of Western Iberia: Nisa (Portugal) and Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences, 73-6, 2717-2731.
- Pereira, D., Marker, B., Kramar, S., Cooper, B., and Schouenborg, B. (2015) Introduction. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 1-4
- Wikström, A. and Pereira, D. (2015) The Kolmården serpentine marble in Sweden, a stone found both in castles and every-day homes. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 49-56.
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Rodríguez-Navarro, C. and Sebastian Pardo, E. (2015) The Sierra Nevada Serpentinites: the serpentinites most used in Spanish Heritage buildings. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 101-108.
- Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. and del Barrio, S. (2015) Piedra Pajarilla: a candidacy as a Global Heritage Stone Resource for Martinamor granite. In: Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones. Geological Society Special Publications, 407, 93-100.
- Pereira, D. (2014) Improving female participation in professional engineering geology to bring new perspectives on ethics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11: 9429-9445 .
- Pereira, D., Baltuille, J.M. (2014) Documenting natural stone to preserve our cultural and architectonic heritage, Materiales de Construccion, 64 (314),
- Pereira, D. and Cooper, B. (2014) A Global Heritage Stone Province in Association with the UNESCO World Heritage City of Salamanca, Spain. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, vol. 5. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Pereira, D. and Cooper, B. (2014): “Building stone as part of a World Heritage site: “Piedra Pajarilla” granite and the city of Salamanca (Spain). In: Stone in Historic Buildings: Characterization and Performance, Geological Society Special Publications, 391, 7-16.
- Pereira, A., Pereira, D., Neves, L., Peinado, M. and Armenteros, I. (2013): Radiological data on building stones from a Spanish region: Castilla y León, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13, 3493-3501.
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. and del Barrio, S. (2013): Caracterización mineralógica y físico-mecánica de las serpentinitas de la comarca de Macael (Almería, S de España) para su uso como roca ornamental. Geogaceta 54, 47-50.
- Pereira, D., Baltuille, J.M. and Cooper, B. (2013): Documenting the architectonic heritage: the best way of preserving it. In: Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ed. Miguel Angel Rogerio-Candelera; Massimo Lazzari; Emilio Cano, CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group. October 2013, 446 Pages
- Pereira, D., PEINADO, M. y BLANCO, J.A. (2013): “Misuse of natural stone for construction and the consequences in buildings. Case of study of serpentinites”. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25-10, 1563-1567.
- Pereira, D. and Neves, L. (2013): Student’s final projects: an opportunity to link research and teaching. In: Geoscience: Research-enhanced Education at Universities, Tong, V. C. H. (ed.), Springer, Dordrecht: 237-252 V. C. H. TONG -2014- Geoscience Research and Education – Springer
- Cooper, B., Marker, B., Pereira, D. and Schouenborg, B. (2013) Establishment of the “Heritage Stone Task Group” (HSTG). Episodes vol. 36-1. March 2013
- Navarro, R., Pereira, D., Gimeno, A. y del Barrio, S. (2013): “Verde Macael: A serpentinite wrongly referred to as a marble. Geosciences 3-1, 102-113.
- Pereira, D. (2012): “A report on serpentinites in the context of heritage stone resources”. Episodes vol. 35, 478-480.
- Pereira, D. y Peinado, M. (2012) “Serpentinite”. Geology Today (Building Stones Explained 7), vol. 28-4, 152-156. Geology Today 2012
- Pereira, D., Neves, L., Pereira, A., Peinado, M., Blanco, J.A. and Tejado, J.J. (2012) “A radiological study of some ornamental stones: bluish granites from Extremadura (Spain)”. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12: 395-401.
- García-Barriuso, M., Bernado, S., Nabais, C., Pereira, D.; Amich, F. (2011) “The Paleosubtropical element Notholaena marantae (L.) Desv subsp. marantae in serpentine areas in the west of Iberian Peninsula: Phytogeochemical study, distribution and conservation.” Biologia 66/2: 258-265.
- Pereira, D.; NEVES, L.; Pereira, A.; González-Neila, C. (2011): “Natural radioactivity in ornamental stones: an approach for its study in known samples from Iberia.” Bulletin of Engineering and the Environment 70:543–547
- Pereira, D., Peinado, M.; Yenes, M.; Monterrubio, S.; Nespereira, J. y Blanco, J.A. (2010): “Serpentinites from Cabo Ortegal (Galicia, Spain): a search for correct use as ornamental stones”. Geological Society of London. Special publication 333: 81-85.
- Pereira, D.; Recio, S.; Gonzalo, J.C. (2010) “Evolution of the landscape as a response of a demographic change. A case of study in the Duero riverside, Spain.” Local Environment, vol 15-5, 419-431.
- Nespereira, J.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M. y Pereira, D. (2010 ): “Opal cementation in tertiary sandstones used as ornamental stones”. Engineering Geology vol. 115, 167-174.
- Pereira, D., Peinado, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Yenes, M.(2008): “Geochemical characterization of a serpentinization process at Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain)”. The Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 46: 317-327
- Pereira, D.; Yenes, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Peinado, M. (2007): “Characterization of serpentinites to define their appropriate use as dimension stone”. Geological Society of London. Special publication. 271: 55-62.
- González Menéndez, L.; Azor, A.; Pereira, D. y Acosta, A. (2006) “Petrogenesis del plutón de Santa Eulalia (Alto Alentejo, Portugal)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 19 (1-2), 69-86.
- Nespereira, J.; Yenes, M.; Blanco, J.A. y Pereira, D. (2006) “Propiedades geotecnicas de la unidad Arcosas del Teso Grande (Salamanca)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 19 (3-4), 181-196.
- Pereira, M.D.; Jover, F. y Blanco, F. (2005): “Geología “on the rocks”: Un paseo geológico por la hostelería de Salamanca”. Kafka nº 4, 15-34.
- Pereira, M.D.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M. y Pereira, M. (2005): “Las serpentinitas y su correcta utilización en construcción”. Roc Maquina. Sept. 2005, 24-27.
- Pereira, M.D.; Peinado, M.; Blanco, J.A.; Yenes, M.; Fallick, A. y Upton, B. (2004): “Serpentinite: a potential natural stone in Spain”, en PRIKRYL, R. (Ed.): Dimension stone. Balkema. Taylor and Francis Group. London, 85-87.
- Pereira Gomez, M. D. (2004): “Petrogenesis and evolution of Peña Negra, an anatectic complex in the Spanish Central System”, en THOMAS, H. (Ed.): Metamorphism and Crustal Evolution. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. New Delhi, 90-119.
- BERNAL, M. N.; Pereira, M.D. y Forteza, J. (2003): “Influencia antropogenica en la existencia de anomalías geoquímicas de formaciones superficiales”. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia vol. 39, 37-54.
- Pereira, M.D.; Shaw, D.M. y Acosta, A. (2003): “Mobile trace elements and fluid-dominated processes in the Ronda Peridotite, Southern Spain”. The Canadian Mineralogist vol 41, 617-625.
- Acosta, A.; Pereira, M.D.; Shaw, D.M. y LONDON, D. (2001): “Contrasting behaviour of boron during crustal anatexis”. Lithos, vol. 56-1: 15-31.
- Acosta, A.; Pereira,M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (2000): “Influence of volatiles in the generation of crustal anatectic melts”. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. vol. 69-70, 339-342.
- Pereira, M.D. y Rodríguez Alonso, M.D. (2000): “Duality of cordierite granites related to melt-restite segregation in the Peña Negra Anatectic Complex, central Spain”. Canadian Mineralogist,vol 38: 1329-1346.
- Pereira, M.D. y SHAW, D.M. (1999): “Relationship between tectonic structures and generation of melt in central Spain”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A. vol. 24-3, 317-319.
- Pereira, M.D. (1998): “Pressure and Temperature conditions in the generation of an anatectic complex in central Spain: the Peña Negra complex”. Petrology vol 6, n.6, 555-563.
- Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1997): “The behaviour of boron during anatexis. A case of study: the Peña Negra anatectic complex, central Spain”. Lithos 40, 179-188.
- Acosta, A., Pereira, M.D., Shaw, D.M. y Bea, F. (1997). “Serpentinización de la peridotita de Ronda (cordillera Betica) como respuesta a la interacción con fluidos ricos en volátiles: comportamiento del boro”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España vol. 10 (3-4), 99-106.
- Hall, A.; Pereira, M. D. y Bea, F. (1996): “The abundance of ammonium in the granites of central Spain, and the behaviour of ammonium ion during anatexis and fractional crystallization”. Mineralogy and Petrology 56, 105-123.
- Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1996): “Boron and lithium distribution of B and Li in the Peña Negra complex: an alpha-track study”. American Mineralogist 81, 141-145.
- Bea, F.; Pereira, M.D.; Corretgé, L.G. y Fershtater, G.B. (1994): “Differentiation of strongly peraluminous, perphosphorous granites. The Pedrobernardo pluton, Central Spain”. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 58-12, 2609-2629.
- Bea, F.; Pereira, M.D. y Stroh, A. (1994): “Mineral/Leucosome trace element partitioning in a peraluminous migmatite (a laser ablation- ICP-MS study): constraints on melt-producing reactions during crustal anatexis”. Chemical Geology 117, 291-312.
- Pereira, M.D. y Shaw, D.M. (1994): “Imágenes de partículas alpha en el análisis de la microdistribución de boro y litio en los materiales de un complejo anatectico: La Peña Negra (Batolito de Ávila)”. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España vol.7 (3-4).
- Pereira, M. D. y Bea, F. (1994): “Cordierite-producing reactions at the Peña Negra complex, Avila Batholith, Central Spain: The key role of cordierite in low-pressure anatexis”. The Canadian Mineralogist vol. 32-4, 763-780