Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
José Antonio Merlo Vega
Profesor del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca
Archivo | 26 marzo 2013

Digital legal deposit starts in UK

From 6 April six major libraries in the UK and Ireland will have the right to collect, preserve and provide long-term access to a copy of every UK electronic publication. This moves brings the same legal deposit conditions to blogs, e-books and websites that has existed for print publications such as books, magazines and newspapers […]

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NISO Publishes Recommended Practice for Institutional Identifier

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new Recommended Practice: Institutional Identification: Identifying Organizations in the Information Supply Chain. This Recommended Practice describes the work done by the NISO Institutional Identifier (I²) Working Group to define the requirements for a standard identifier for institutional identification in the supply chain. It also […]

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