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Universidad de Salamanca
Lola Pereira
ORCID#: 0003-3893-4813

Heritage Stones Subcommission (HSS)

Lola Pereira was a member of the HSS executive from its creation (2012) until 2020. She was Secretary General from 2016 to 2020. The information of the HSS in this web page is restricted to that period.

HSS is a Subcommission, formally established as a Task Group by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) in 2012, with an initial administrative Board of Management being appointed at the 34th International Geological Congress in Brisbane for the period 2012-2016.

HSS had earlier origins in 2008 as a project within Commission (C-10) – Building Stones and Ornamental Rocks of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG C-10) that was recognized at its meeting during the 33rd International Geological Congress in Oslo, Norway.

The objectives of HSS were:

  • To facilitate formal designation of natural stones that have achieved widespread recognition in human culture (i.e. heritage stones).
  • To create the “Global Heritage Stone Resource” (GHSR) as an internationally recognized heritage stone designation.
  • To promote the adoption and use of heritage stone designation by international and national authorities.

At the end of Lola Pereira´s term as Secretary General, there were 101 HSS active correspondents from 50 countries.

HSS leaders the UNESCO IGCP-637: Heritage Stones Designations:

An interim list of stones was created with the aim of pointing to some of the most deserving Heritage Stones to be recognized with the IUGS standard.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional