Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Lola Pereira
ORCID#: 0003-3893-4813

ERASMUS+ FAITH: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-1: Enhancing Female LeAdership In STEM in CHINA

The number of women choosing to pursue careers in STEM-related fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is variable and depends on the country and specific area. Given the importance of science and technology to national economies and success, countries need to promote STEM and STEM education to everyone. McKinsey Global Institute conducted a large-scale study which showed that if no measures are taken gender equality in economics will be achieved only in 260 years. Yet, if the matter is addressed on a minimal scale at least in 95 countries, then we can expect a 11% growth in GDP within the next 10 years, and full gender equality would increase the global GDP by 28 billion dollars. Target country of the FAITH project is China. According to the Statistical Yearbook of China, 690 million inhabitants living in China are female. While many countries have moved closer to parity, China now ranks 107th in the global gender gap rankings among 156 countries.The main aim of the present proposal is to reduce the gender gaps by starting to reduce this gap in academia and research fields also in higher roles by supporting women carriers. This proposal aims to take the experience gathered in EU, using the cases of Italy and Spain, and transmit it to the Chinese partner institutions through our Chinese colleagues, working together towards new paradigms.The overall objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of STEM research for female students in China, by promoting it and providing new knowledge and skills, including digital tools, pedagogical know-hows and cross-cultural awareness in relevant areas for females in China, to present possible solutions to overcome barriers in women’s participation in STEM areas in China: to develop a network of strong, active female scientists in Italy, Spain and China, organize a mentoring program and produce targeted training and advertising materials to recruit an sustain women in science.

Política de privacidad
Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional