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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP Special Issue of Transgender Studies Quarterly – Trans/Feminisms.

TSQ 3.1

Call for Papers

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, Volume 3 Issue 1


In Trans/Feminisms, a special double-issue of TSQ, we will explore feminist work taking place within trans studies, trans and genderqueer activism, cultural production in trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary gender communities, and in communities and cultures across the globe that find the modern Western gender system alien and ill-fitting to their own self-understanding. Simultaneously, we want to explore as well the ways in which trans issues are addressed within broader feminist and women’s organizations and social movements around the world. We want this issue to expand the discussion beyond the familiar and overly simplistic dichotomy often drawn between an exclusionary transphobic feminism and an inclusive trans-affirming feminism. We seek to highlight the many feminisms that are trans inclusive and that affirm the diversity of gender expression, in order to document the reality that feminist transphobia is not universal nor is living a trans life, or a life that contests the gender binary, antithetical to feminist politics. How are trans, genderqueer, and non-binary issues related to feminist movements today? What kind of work is currently being undertaken in the name of trans/feminism? What new paradigms and visions are emerging?  What issues still need to be addressed? Central to this project is the recognition that multiple oppressions (not just trans and sexist oppressions) intersect, converge, overlap, and sometimes diverge in complex ways, and that trans/feminist politics cannot restrict itself to the domain of gender alone. We seek to publish numerous shorter pieces (1000-2500 words) to represent the diversity of trans/feminist practices and problematics, and welcome original research articles as well as theory, reports, manifestos, opinion pieces, reviews, and creative/artistic productions rooted in particular trans/feminist contexts. We also seek to republish key documents of trans/feminist history, and welcome suggestions for inclusion. Please send complete submissions, author’s biography (50 words or less), abstract (150 words or less), and keywords (3-5 for indexing) by March 2, 2015 to While the language of publication will be English, we accept submissions in any language and will work with authors to translate submitted work.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly is co-edited by Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker, and published by Duke University Press, with editorial offices at the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies. TSQ aims to be the journal of record for the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies and to promote the widest possible range of perspectives on transgender phenomena broadly defined. Every issue of TSQ is a specially themed issue that also contains regularly recurring features such as reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces. To learn more about the journal and see calls for papers for other issues, visit For info about subscriptions, visit

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