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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: “Intimacies online, online intimacies”, Roskilde University, Denmark, May 30th– June 1st, 2018.

Resultado de imagen de Call for papers: Intimacies online, online intimaciesCall for papers: Intimacies online, online intimacies

We are delighted to announce this international conference about intimacy online, digitally mediated intimacies and how intimacies influence (new) mediascapes.

Online media are increasingly intersecting and intertwined with our daily lives, bodily and intimate practices, and relationships. This conference highlights how different digital, social and online media enable and/or produce new intimacies, as well as how practices and understandings of intimacy are both embedded in digitally mediated communication and generate innovative uses or forms of new media.

We invite papers (or other forms of expression) that explore various media sites and forms, including (but not limited to) social media, digital media, online media and mobile devices. And we invite papers investigating various intimacies, including but not limited to intimate and/or affective encounters, relationalities, practices, belongings, desires, proximities, kinships, friendships, or communities, as well as online and /or digital affective intensities, viralities, and connectivities. Papers discussing both methodological and empirical aspects are welcome.

Papers analysing the bodily and intimate doing of technology, and papers questioning the boundaries between body, media, technology and affect are welcome. Also, papers discussing the commercialization and capitalization of intimacies online are of interest. In particular, we welcome papers analyzing the ways in which new mediated intimacies (re)produce, configure and/or challenge power relations and hierarchal structures in relation to:
• Sexual cultures, dating and hook-up, sexualities, and sexual identities
• Kinship and new (queer) families and reproduction
• Bodies and bodily markers of difference
• Migration, nation, borders, and surveillance
• Activism, resistance, counter publics, and subcultures

The confirmed keynotes include Prof. Jack Halberstam (University of Southern California and Columbia University, US), Dr. Debra Ferreday (Lancaster University), and Dr. Sharif Mowlabocus (University of Sussex).

The conference will take place at Roskilde University, Denmark, May 30th– June 1st, 2018.
Please send your abstract to Abstracts should be maximum 200 words long and written in English. Please include your name, title, and affiliation. Deadline of submission of abstract: Jan. 15th, 2018.

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