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Universidad de Salamanca
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Call for Chapters: Queer Development Studies: A Reader.

Resultado de imagen de Call for Chapters: Queer Development Studies: A ReaderTo date, research in the area of sexuality, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE), LGBTIQ rights, and development has been disjointed at best, with scholars within subfields and disciplinary silos. In order to bring this work together, this Routledge reader will define a field of “queer development studies.” While some of the reader will account for the foundational research in the field, a majority of the handbook will reflect new and cutting edge research. Like “feminist development”, “critical development” and “post-development” literature, Queer Development Studies: A Reader will extend critical and queer work in the field of development studies and/or queer critique of development.

Queer Development Studies: A Reader is under contract with Routledge and will be published December 2017 or early 2018.

I have recently extended the deadline for chapter submissions for this project for two major reasons: 1) Many potential contributors, including senior scholars and practitioners in the field, have asked for more time to submit to the reader for a variety of reasons, including field work; and 2) there are a number of key areas of theoretical and empirical inquiry that remain unfilled.

I am currently planning for fives parts of the reader:

Part 1: Why Sexuality Matters to Development
Part 2: Heteronormativity in Development
Part 3: LGBTIQ Rights
Part 4: Transnational Queer Critique
Part 5: Transnational Social Movements

To round-out the collection, I am looking for chapters on the following topics and themes:

•    Queering and query-ing development, imperialism, globalization (theoretical)
•    Heteronormativity and cisnormativity in development
•    Global LGBTIQ movements (social movements, funding structures, NGOization)
•    Transnational queer critique
•    Transnational mappings of ‘pride’ and ‘prejudice’
•    Development and human rights organizations and the ‘sexuality’ turn

In order to move forward with this project, I am asking that authors respond to this call for chapters by March 15, 2017. Chapters are due to May 1, 2017, however, there may be some wiggle-room for the right author/topic. Each chapter should be no longer than 7,000 words including references.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me

Corinne L. Mason, PhD

Associate Professor

Gender and Women’s Studies


Brandon University


p: (204) 898 0181

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