Call for Papers – The Life of Others: Narratives of Vulnerability for a special issue of Canada & Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies(Spring 2018 issue) Guest Editor: Eva Darias-Beautell. More information: In her Levinasian discussion of the functioning of ethical obligations in the face of global and local forms of […]
Call for Papers: Subaltern Women’s Narratives: Subversion, Resilience, and Shifting Responses.
Call for Papers: Subaltern Women’s Narratives: Subversion, Resilience, and Shifting Responses. All the information is available at This conference aims to look at the material histories and lives of subaltern women. In her 1988 essay ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’, Gayatri Spivak extends the definition of the ‘subaltern’, going beyond “strict class analysis”, to incorporate […]
Lawrence Hill at the University of Salamanca
Bestselling and multiple award-winning Canadian author Lawrence Hill discusses his two most recent novels: The Book of Negroes and The Illegal at the University of Salamanca. 27 February (Juan del Enzina, 13:00-14:30): “Faction: The Merging of Fiction and History in The Book of Negroes.” 28 February (Juan del Enzina, 13:00-14:30): “The Illegal: Creating imaginary nations […]
English Studies: 65th Anniversary
65 years ago the Spanish University instituted English Studies at the University of Salamanca. Commemorating this ephemeris, our English Department is organizing a number of academic events encompassing the various interests of our field. Please, feel free to consult our website and join us in this momentous celebration

Coordinated Projects
Collaborations with related projects and networks
Related conferences
- 1st International Conference on Precarity, Populism and Post-Truth Politics, Universidad de Córdoba, 1-3 February, 2018
- 2nd International Conference. Rethinking the Global South: Literatures and Cultures (SHRI RAMSWAROOP MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY, Lucknow, India, 2-3 Feb. 2019)
- CEACS 8th Triennial International Conference, Charles University, Prague 20-22 September 2018, “Transnational Challenges to Canadian Culture, Society and the Environment”
- Challenging Precarity: An International Seminar. Challenging Precarity International Conference (AURO University, Surat, Gujarat, India. January 27-29, 2019)
- Ciclo de seminarios ‘Historia(s) en lengua inglesa: Resiliencia y precariedad’, Universidad de Salamanca, 2018
- Conference Resilience in a Multispecies World
- FLACSO IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales
- Fourth triennial conference on resilience in Stockholm
- Global Narratives of Resilience and Healing Workshop, University of Salamanca 5 October, 2018
- II Seminario Innsbruck 2016, Red Memoria y Narración
- International Congress: Memories in motion: transnational and migratory perspectives in memory processes Third congress of Red Internacional de Investigación y Aprendizaje “Memoria y Narración”, 4-5 June, 2018, Romanska och klassiska institutionen- Stockh
- NACS-XII 2018 -Exploring Canada: Exploits & Encounters. Akureyri, Iceland, Wed 8 – Sat 11 August 2018
- Narratives of Resilience and Healing: An Interdisciplinary Conference
- Resisting Extractivism in Border Zones: Art and Protest from the Arctic North to the Global South. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, November 15-17, 2018
- The Poetics and Ethics of “Living With”: Indigenous, Canadian and Québécois Feminist Production Today. Banff Centre, Alberta (Canada): October 11-14, 2018
- VULNERA workshop, U. of La Laguna, June 21-22, 2018
- “Canada and Beyond V: Bodies of Water", University of Huelva (Spain), June 11-12, 2018