Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Estadística. Universidad de Salamanca. España


Esta página contiene información sobre la técnica multivariante HJ-BIPLOTpropuesta por Mª Purificación Galindo Villardón,  en 1986, técnica ampliamente utilizada en muchas Ramas de la Ciencia. Contendrá, además del artículo original,  información sobre los diferentes programas para aplicarlo y  alguna de las aplicaciones más relevantes.




GALINDO-VILLARDÓN, P. (1986). Una alternativa de representación simultánea: HJ-BIPLOT. Qüestiió, 10(1), 13–23.


Si usted ha utilizado el HJ BIPLOT o ha desarrollado software que contenga la técnica y no está su nombre  en esta página, contacte conmigo y  envíeme la información de su trabajo para incluirla. Gracias anticipadas.


Frutos-Bernal, E., Martín del Rey, A., & Galindo-Villardón, P.(2020). Analysis of Madrid metro network: From structural to HJ-biplot perspective. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(16).

Pérez-Verduzco, G. (2020). Confianza en el Instituto Nacional Electoral mexicano: Una perspectiva comparada. Reflexión Política, 22(45), 103–115.

Romero Cañizares, J. F., Vicente-Galindo, P., Phillis, Y., & Grigoroudis, E. (2020). Graphical sustainability analysis using disjoint biplots. Operational Research.

Valchev, N., Ivanova, M., Stoyanova, A., & Dospatliev, L. (2020). Application of the Mathematical Model HJ-BIPLOT to Identifying the Links among Bioactive Compounds of the Tomato Variety Panekra. Scientific Papers-Series B-Horticulture, 64(1), 490–497.

da Silva, A. O., & Freitas, A. (2020). Time Series components separation based on singular spectral analysis visualization: An HJ-biplot method application. Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 8(2), 346–358.

Ascencio Jordán, E. P., García Viteri, R. A., Ramos Guachilema, T. I., & Vargas Párraga, V. M. (2020). Innovative behavior at the ecuadorian university: A multivariate analysis. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 25(3), 355–367.


Rodríguez-Martínez, C. C., García-Sánchez, I. M., Vicente-Galindo, P., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2019). Exploring relationships between environmental performance, E-Government and corruption: A multivariate perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(22), 1–16.

Carrasco, G., Molina, J. L., Patino-Alonso, M. C., Castillo, M. D. C., Vicente-Galindo, M. P., & Galindo-Villardón, M. P. (2019). Water quality evaluation through a multivariate statistical HJ-Biplot approach. Journal of Hydrology, 577, 123993.

González-García, N., Sánchez-García, A. B., Nieto-Librero, A. B., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2019). Attitude and Learning Approaches in the Study of General Didactics. A Multivariate Analysis. Revista de Psicodidactica, 24(2), 154–162.

Urruticoechea, A., & Vernazza, E. (2019). Entreprise Sustentability: Analysis Through BIPLOT Methodology. Cuadernos Del CIMBAGE, 21(1), 87–115.

Fernandes, S., & Castela, G. (2019). Start-ups’ accelerators support open innovation in Portugal. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 26(1), 82–93.

Cardenal Cisneros, J., Ortiz Chimbo, K. M., Alcívar Trejo, C., Espinoza Valdez, K. G., & Vicente-Villardón, J. L. (2019). Análisis multivariante de los aspectos emocionales y las inteligencias múltiples en la era digital. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2019(E18), 234–244.–244

Ortiz Chimbo, K., Campos Cabrera, E., Alvarado Márquez, M., & Alcívar Trejo, C. (2019). Análisis de las empresas familiares en Ecuador desde una óptica multivariante. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 25(4), 161–174.

Pilacuan Bonete, L., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2019). Carbon Dioxide emissions: A multivariate analysis HJ-Biplot, Clustering Biplot and Clustering Disjoint Biplot. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech’19), Lisbon, Portugal 2019, 1–10.

Alcázar Espinoza, J., Palacios Torres, E., Moreno Castro, D., Romero Romero, B. R., & Santos Luna, J. A. (2019). Aplicación de Encuesta Sobre Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) y Cuantificación del Impacto en los Diez Puntos de Monitoreo de la Calidad del Aire en la Ciudad San Francisco de Milagro. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, E18(2), 245–256.

Serafim, A., Martins-Ferreira, A. L., Serafim, M. P., Oliveira, G., Pedro-Rocheta, E., & Pires, N. (2019). Prevalência da hipertensão arterial na população portuguesa em contexto de férias e abordagem multivariada dos fatores de risco através do método HJ-Biplot. Revista Portuguesa de Clínica Geral, 35(6), 450–464.


Amor-Esteban, V., García-Sánchez, I. M., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2018). Analysing the Effect of Legal System on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the Country Level, from a Multivariate Perspective. Social Indicators Research, 140(1), 435–452.

Amor-Esteban, V., Galindo-Villardón, P., & García-Sánchez, I.-M. (2018). Industry mimetic isomorphism and sustainable development based on the X-STATIS and HJ-biplot methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(26), 26192–26208.

Gallego-Álvarez, I., García-Rubio, R., & Martínez-Ferrero, J. (2018). Environmental performance concerns in Latin America: Determinant factors and multivariate analysis. Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 21(2), 206–221.

Xavier, A., Freitas, M. de B. C., Rosário, M. do S., & Fragoso, R. (2018). Disaggregating statistical data at the field level: An entropy approach. Spatial Statistics, 23, 91–108.

Leibar, U., Unamunzaga, O., Fernández-Gómez, M. J., Galindo-Villardón, P., Castro, C., & Aizpurua, A. (2018). Benefit of ancillary data acquired at the cooperative level to study soil type and climatic zone influence on berry composition: A case study in Rioja appellation. Oeno One, 52(2), 119–133.

Fernandes, S., Cesário, M., & Castela, G. (2018). Modern innovation challenges to firms and cities: the case of Portugal. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 13(2), 33–42.

Cadavid Ruiz, N., Egido, J., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Del-Río, P. (2018). Advantages of Using HJ-Biplot Analysis in Executive Functions Studies. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 34, e3426.

Pambabay-Calero, J. J., Bauz-Olvera, S. A., Nieto-Librero, A. B., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Hernández-González, S. (2018). An alternative to the cochran-(Q) statistic for analysis of heterogeneity in meta-analysis of diagnostic tests based on HJ biplot. Investigacion Operacional, 39(4), 536–544.


Amor-Esteban, V., Galindo-Villardón, M. P., & García-Sánchez, I. M. (2017). Cultural values on CSR patterns and evolution: A study from the biplot representation. Ecological Indicators, 81, 18–29.

Urchaga Litago, J. D., Carballa Rivas, N. M., & García González, A. (2017). Cobertura mediática de la prohibición de las corridas de toros en Cataluña a través de un análisis multivariante H J – BIPLOT. Prisma Social, 19, 450–470.

Nieto-Librero, A. B., Sierra, C., Vicente-Galindo, M. P., Ruíz-Barzola, O., & Galindo-Villardón, M. P. (2017). Clustering Disjoint HJ-Biplot: A new tool for identifying pollution patterns in geochemical studies. Chemosphere, 176, 389–396.

Tejedor-Flores, N., Vicente-Galindo, P., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2017). Sustainability multivariate analysis of the energy consumption of ecuador using MuSIASEM and BIPLOT approach. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9(6), 1–15.

Alende Castro, S., & García González, A. (2017). Internet and social media in the prevention journalism discourse. A theoretical proposal and main magnitudes. Media and Metamedia Management, 503, 105–111.


Hernández Suárez, M., Molina Pérez, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E. M., Díaz Romero, C., Espinosa Borreguero, F., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2016). The compositional HJ-biplot: A new approach to identifying the links among bioactive compounds of tomatoes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(11), 1–13.

Salazar, C. M., Juárez Lozano, R., Andrade Sánchez, A. I., Peña Vargas, C. S., Arrellano Ceballos, A. C., & Hernández Murúa, J. A. (2016). Percepción del beneficio de los deportes y actividades recreativas en habilidades para la vida en niños y adolescentes de Ciudad Juárez, México. Sportis, 2(3), 356.

Cadavid-Ruiz, N., Río, P. del, Egido, J., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2016). Age related changes in the executive function of Colombian children. Universitas Psychologica, 15(5), 1–10.


Gallego-Álvarez, I., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Rodríguez-Rosa, M. (2015). Analysis of the Sustainable Society Index Worldwide: A Study from the Biplot Perspective. Social Indicators Research, 120(1), 29–65.

Javier Delgado Álvarez, F., & Villardon, P. G. (2015). A proposal for spatio-temporal analysis of traffic matrices using HJ-biplot. 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking (M & N ), 1, 1–6.

Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T., Andrade, R., Guerrero, C., & Loures, L. (2015). Spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in the Alqueva reservoir watershed. Solid Earth, 6(2), 383–392.

Patino-Alonso, M. C., Recio-Rodríguez, J. I., Magdalena-Belio, J. F., Giné-Garriga, M., Martínez-Vizcaino, V., Fernández-Alonso, C., Arietaleanizbeaskoa, M. S., Galindo-Villardon, M. P., Gómez-Marcos, M. A., & García-Ortiz, L. (2015). Clustering of lifestyle characteristics and their association with cardio-metabolic health: The Lifestyles and Endothelial Dysfunction (EVIDENT) study. British Journal of Nutrition, 114(6), 943–951.

Ortas, E., Álvarez, I., Jaussaud, J., & Garayar, A. (2015). The impact of institutional and social context on corporate environmental, social and governance performance of companies committed to voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 673–684.

Gasim, S., Hamad, S. A. A., Abdelmula, A., & Mohamed Ahmed, I. A. (2015). Yield and quality attributes of faba bean inbred lines grown under marginal environmental conditions of Sudan. Food Science & Nutrition, 3(6), 539–547.


Gallego-Álvarez, I., Vicente-Galindo, P., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Rodríguez-Rosa, M. (2014). Environmental performance in countries worldwide: Determinant factors and multivariate analysis. Sustainability (Switzerland), 6(11), 7807–7832.

Hernández, M., Espinosa, F., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2014). Tomato fruit quality as influenced by the interactions between agricultural techniques and harvesting period. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(3), 443–448.

Morillo, F., Díaz-Faes, A. A., González-Albo, B., & Moreno, L. (2014). Do networking centres perform better? An exploratory analysis in Psychiatry and Gastroenterology/Hepatology in Spain. Scientometrics, 98(2), 1401–1416.

Gallego-Álvarez, I., Formigoni, H., & Antunes, M. T. P. (2014). Corporate social responsibility practices at Brazilian firms. RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 54(1), 12–27.

Felício, J. A., & Galindo Villardón, P. (2014). Governance Mechanisms and Performance of Publicly Traded Companies. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(12), 1–15.

Caballero Julia, D., Vicente-Galindo, P. urificación, & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2014). Grupos de discusión y HJ-Biplot: Una nueva forma de análisis textual. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, E2, 19–35.

Herrera Ramírez, D. A., León Peláez, J. D., Ruiz Rendón, M., Osorio Vega, N. W., Correa Londoño, G., Esteban Ricardo, R., & Uribe, Á. (2014). Evaluación de requerimientos nutricionales en vivero de especies tropicales empleadas en silvicultura urbana. Revista EIA, 11(21), 41–54.


Vázquez-de-Aldana, B. R., García-Ciudad, A., García-Criado, B., Vicente-Tavera, S., & Zabalgogeazcoa, I. (2013). Fungal endophyte (Epichloë festucae) alters the nutrient content of Festuca rubra regardless of water availability. PLoS ONE, 8(12), 1–14.

Díaz-Faes, A. A., González-Albo, B., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Bordons, M. (2013). HJ-Biplot como herramienta de inspección de matrices de datos bibliométricos. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, 36(1), e001.

García-Sánchez, I. M., Frías-Aceituno, J. V., & Rodríguez-Domínguez, L. (2013). Determinants of corporate social disclosure in Spanish local governments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 39, 60–72.

Gallego-Álvarez, I., Rodríguez-Domínguez, L., & García-Rubio, R. (2013). Analysis of environmental issues worldwide: A study from the biplot perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 42, 19–30.


Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes, B., Rosa, J., Cavaco, A., Castela, G., Castela, E., Olea, N., & Bebianno, M. J. (2012). Assessment of essential and nonessential metals and different metal exposure biomarkers in the human placenta in a population from the South of Portugal. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health – Part A: Current Issues, 75(13–15), 867–877.

David Viloria, J. B., Humberto Gil, J. G., Luís Durango, D. R., & Mario García, C. P. (2012). Caracterización Fisicoquímica del Propóleo de la Región del Bajo Cauca Antioqueño (Antioquia, Colombia). Biotecnología En El Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial, 10(1), 77–86.

Ochoa Agudelo, G. F., Martínez Bustamante, E., Ramírez Pisco, R., & Correa Londoño, G. (2012). Crecimiento y desarrollo de la lima ácida (Citrus Latifolia Tanaka), cv. Tahití, en suelos con limitaciones por profundidad efectiva, en un bosque seco tropical. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía – Medellín, 65(2), 6567–6578.

García González, J. J., Correa Londoño, G. A., & Pardo-Carrasco, S. C. (2012). Phytoplankton and periphyton in ponds with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae). Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 25, 603–614.


Martínez Barahona, E., & Cristina, R. (2011). Explorando las implicaciones de la “epidemia del crimen” en México. In La democracia en México (1st ed., pp. 213–246). Edicions Bellaterra.

Hernández Suárez, M. (2011). Estudio de la Variación Estacional del Sabor del Tomate [Trabajo Fin de Máster, Universidad de Salamanca].

Caballero-Julia, D. (2011). El HJ-Biplot como Herramienta en el Análisis de Grupos de Discusión [Trabajo Fin de Máster, Universidad de Salamanca].

Vázquez-Pérez, J. P., Vicente-Galindo, P., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2011). Variables que inciden en la seguridad de las escuelas públicas de los Estados Unidos. Pedagogía, 44(1), 141–165.

Patino Alonso, M. C., Vicente Galindo, P., & Galindo Villardón, P. (2012). Perfil Multivariante de las mujeres empleadas en el Servicio Doméstico. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 29(2), 13–35.

Marcos Hidalgo, M. (2011). HJ – Biplot Aumentado [Trabajo de investigación]. Universidad de Salamanca.


Castela, E., & Galindo-Villardon, P. (2010). Inferencia ecológica para la caracterización de abstencionistas: el caso de Portugal. In Discussion Papers no 3: Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences (pp. 6–25). University of Algarve.

Marreiros, A., Castela, G., Rebelo, E., & Galindo-Villardón, P. (2010). A Codificação Numérico-Patológica dos Hospitais Públicos em Portugal: Implementação de mecanismos de suporte no processo de avaliação dos Registos clínicos Hospitalares e sua Relação com o Financiamento. In Discussion Papers no 3: Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences (pp. 26–38). University of Algarve.

Mendes, S., Fernández-Gómez, M. J., Galindo-Villardón, P., Morgado, F., Maranhao, P., Azeiteiro, U., & Bacelar-Nicolau, P. (2009). The Study of bacterioplankton dynamics in the Berlangas Archipelago (West coast of Portugal) by applying the HJ-biplot method. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 1, 25–35.


Cadavid Ruiz, N. (2008). Neurología de la construcción de la función ejecutiva [Tesis Doctoral, Salamanca].


Martínez-Ruiz, C., Fernández-Santos, B., Putwain, P. D., & Fernández-Gómez, M. J. (2007). Natural and man-induced revegetation on mining wastes: Changes in the floristic composition during early succession. Ecological Engineering, 30(3), 286–294.

Alcántara, M., & Rivas, C. (2007). Las dimensiones de la polarización partidista en América Latina. Política y Gobierno, 14(2), 349–390.

Correa Londoño, G., Lavalett Oñate, L. L., Galindo-Villardón, P., & Afanador Kafuri, L. (2007). Uso de métodos multivariantes para la agrupación de aislamientos de Colletotrichum spp. con base en características morfológicas y culturales. Revista de La Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, 60(1), 3671–3690.


Pinto Rodríguez, M. E. (2006). Suicidio juvenil: sociología de una realidad social [Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid].

González Cabrera, J. M., Fidalgo Martínez, M. R., Martín Mateos, E. J., & Vicente Tavera, S. (2006). Study of the evolution of air pollution in Salamanca (Spain) along a five-year period (1994-1998) using HJ-Biplot simultaneous representation analysis. Environmental Modelling and Software, 21(1), 61–68.


Iñigo, A. C., López-Moro, F. J., Vicente-Tavera, S., & Rives, V. (2005). Monitoring of Origin and Evolution of Building Stones through Their Major Components. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 17(4), 440–446.


Heras Hernández, F., & Sintes Zamanillo, M. (Eds.). (2004). Evaluación de actuaciones de educación, comunicación y sensibilización en materia de residuos. CENEAM-OAPN, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente.


García-Talegón, J., Vicente, M. A., Molina-Ballesteros, E., & Vicente-Tavera, S. (1999). Determination of the origin and evolution of building stones as a function of their chemical composition using the inertia criterion based on an HJ-biplot. Chemical Geology, 153(1–4), 37–51.

Dorado, A., Vicente, S., Blázquez, A., & Martín, J. (1995). Análisis HJ-BIPLOT de la evolución de la productividad agraria de la Comunidad de Castilla y León a lo largo del quinquenio 1991-1995. Investigación Agraria. Producción y Protección Vegetales, 14(3), 515–530.


Galindo Villardón, P., Barrera Mellado, I., Fernández Gómez, M. J., & Martín Casado, A. M. (1996). Estudio comparativo de ordenación de comunidades ecológicas basado en técnicas factoriales. Mediterránea. Serie de Estudios Biológicos, 15, 55–61.


Rivas-Gonzalo, J. C., Gutiérrez, Y., Polanco, A. M., Hebrero, E., Vicente, J. L., Galindo, P., & Santos-Buelga, C. (1993). Biplot Analysis Applied to Enological Parameters in the Geographical Classification of Young Red Wines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 44(3), 302–308.


Galante, E., García-Roman, M., Barrera, I., & Galindo, P. (1991). Comparison of spatial distribution patterns of dung-feeding scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, geotrupidae) in wooded and open pastureland in the Mediterranean “Dehesa” area of the Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Entomology, 20(6), 90–97.

Santos, C., Muñoz, S. S., Gutiérrez, Y., Hebrero, E., Rivas, J. C., Vicente, J. L., & Galindo, P. (1991). Characterization of Young Red Wines by Application of HJ Biplot Analysis to Anthocyanin Profiles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 39(6), 1086–1090.


Orfao, A., Gonzalez, M., San Miguel, J. F., Cañizo, M. C., Galindo, P., Caballero, M. D., Jimenez, R., & Borrasca, A. L. (1988). Clinical and immunological findings in large B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 46(2), 177–185.

Orfao, A., González, M., San Miguel, J., Ríos, A., Caballero, M. D., Sanz, M., Calmuntia, M. J., Galindo, P., & López Borrasca, A. (1988). Bone marrow histopathologic patterns and immunologic phenotype in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Blut, 57, 19–23.






Elisa Frutos Bernal y Mª Purificación Galindo Villardón (2012)

GGEBiplotGUI: Interactive GGE Biplots in R   

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SERRA Impacto

Los detalles técnicos en el artículo: An interactive biplot implementation in R for modeling genotype-by-environment interaction.  Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014  

DOI: 10.1007/s00477-013-0821-z

La referencia completa para citaciones es:
Frutos, E., Galindo, M.P., Leiva, V. (2014).  “An interactive biplot implementation in R for modeling genotype-by-environment interaction”. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Volume 28, Issue 7, pp 1629-1641


Classical and GGE biplot methods are graphical procedures that allow multivariate data to be analyzed. In particular, the GGE biplot displays the genotype main effect (G) and the genotype by environment interaction (GE) in two-way data. The GGE biplot originates from data graphical analysis of multi-environment trials (MET). Thus, agronomists, crop scientists and geneticists are potential users of this method. However, it can also be used to visualize and analyze other types of data. In this paper, we propose a new interactive computational implementation in R language to perform the main functions of the classical and GGE biplot methods, so it is also useful for MET data visual analysis. This implementation is organized in an R package named GGEBiplotGUI . This package is the only interactive, noncommercial and open source software that currently exists, offering a free alternative to available commercial software. In addition, it can be used without to practically have knowledge of the R programming language. Here, we present and discuss the capabilities and features of the GGEBiplotGUI package and illustrate them by using real data. The GGEBiplotGUI package graphically addresses the questions that a researcher likely asks. This R package is not only a tool for visual data analysis of multi-environment trials, useful for plant breeders and geneticists, in order to study yields from genotypes and interactions between genotype and environment, but also data from other areas can be analyzed by the GGEBiplotGUI package.


Ana Belén Nieto Librero, Nora Bacala  y Mª Purificación Galindo Villardón (2011)

multibiplotGUI: Multibiplot Analysis in R

Los detalles técnicos  pueden encontrarse en el artículo:

A Methodology for Biplots Based on Bootstrapping with R.  Revista Colombiana de Estadística. 2014. 


La referencia completa para citaciones es:
Nieto, A., Galindo, M.P., Leiva, V., Vicente-Galindo, P. (2014) A methodology for biplots based on bootstrapping with R. Colombian Journal of Statistics (Special issue on “Current Topics in Statistical
Graphics”) 37: 367-397.


A biplot is a graphical representation of two-mode multivariate data based on markers for rows and columns often provided in a two-dimensional space. These markers define parameters that help to interpret goodness of fit, quality of the representation and variability and relationships between variables. However, such parameters are estimated as point values by the biplot, thus no information on the accuracy of the corresponding estimators is obtained. We propose a graphical methodology, that may be considered as an inferential version of a biplot, based on bootstrap confidence intervals for the mentioned parameters. We implement our methodology in an R package and validate it with simulated and real-world data.


Faria, J.C & Demetrio, C. G. B (2011) 

BPCA: Biplot of multivariate data based on Principal Components Analysis

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