Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Grupo de investigación "OLFATOUSAL"
Departamento: Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas.

Dra. Ana María Casas Ferreira



Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science
Faculty of Chemical Sciences
Phn: (34) 923 294 500 ext: 6240
Office C1115

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I have a degree in Chemistry (2006). After obtaining the FPU scholarship (2007), my research career has focused on three lines, which I have developed both at the University of Salamanca, where I defended my doctoral thesis (2011, extraordinary doctorate award), and during stays in centers prestigious international organizations, one of them predoctoral (4 months, 2009, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Analysis Leipzig, Germany) and another postdoctoral (1 year, 2013-2014, King’s College, London, United Kingdom). The first line of research has focused on the development of new sample treatment methodologies for the determination of organic pollutants in environmental matrices. The second has focused on undirected analysis for the identification of biomarkers related to different diseases. Finally, the third line of research focuses on the development of non-separative methodologies based on mass spectrometry for the determination of compounds of clinical interest in biological samples, a line that is currently under development.
I am a co-author of 22 papers. I have participated in 13 research projects financed by different organizations (5 national, 5 regional and 3 local) and I have been the principal investigator in two of the local projects. I have regularly attended national and international congresses, in which I have participated with 10 poster-type communications and 5 oral communications, the latter given by me.

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