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Universidad de Salamanca
Grupo de investigación "OLFATOUSAL"
Departamento: Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas.

Dr. Javier Peña González

Javi _alargada-2

Assistant Professor

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science
Faculty of Chemical Sciences
Phn: (34) 923 294 500 ext: 6243
Office C1118

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Degree in Chemistry from the University of Salamanca (5-year degree, 2004-2009) obtaining the best record of my class, for which I received the San Alberto Magno award from the Salamanca territorial section of the RSEQ.
Doctorate in Chemistry from the University of Salamanca (qualification: cvm lavde) in July 2014 and awarded with the Salamanca Degree award for the 2010-2011 academic year (thesis). Two years postdoctoral at the Max-Planck Institut fur Kohlenforschung (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) and Institut fur organische und biomolekulare chemie at the University of Göttingen (Germany).
2 months professional experience as Junior Researcher at Villapharma Research (Murcia), as leader of a small group of research and development of new drugs. 1 year and 2 months professional experience at Glaxosmithkline (Aranda de Duero, Burgos) as head of the quality control laboratory.
During my time as a doctoral student, I made a total of four international and national stays (Cambridge University – 2 months, Imperial College – London – 3 months, Oxford University – 3 months, ICMA-Zaragoza 3 months) and made a brief collaboration with the Salamanca Cancer Research Center. This, together with my work during the doctorate, postdoctoral and now as assistant professor, has allowed me to have to date a total of 14 publications in scientific journals, 1 chapter of a book and 1 international patent, as well as participation in several conferences, courses and seminars.
I have participated in teaching hours of theory, practices and seminars, both during my doctorate, post-doctorate in Germany (classes taught in English) and at the University of Salamanca, as well as now as an assistant professor.

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