Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
#TranslatingEurope 2022

More Information: Valladolid – Salamanca


Villanubla Airport, in Valladolid, is located 11 km from the city center. The best way to get from Villanubla to the Valladolid train station or bus terminal is by taxi. The trip takes approximately 20 minutes and costs about 15 €.

There are also shuttles bus to the valladolid city center that leaves every 90 minutes. A number of different bus lines provide this service for a cost of around 3€; the length of the trip is approximately 30 minutes. For further information, call +34 983230033 or use the following official website :

Valladolid-Salamanca (by bus):

There is a regular bus service from Valladolid, with departures to Salamanca roughly every two hoursa. The price is 11,90€ one-way and 19,40€ for a round trip ticket. For further information, use the Avanza Bus website:

Valladolid-Salamanca (tren):

Los horarios son: 7h 35m, 9h 30m, 14h19m, 19h 23m, 21h 15m, 23h 10m. La duración del trayecto está entre 1h y 1h 30m, y el precio entre 10,25 y 12 €, dependiendo del horario.

Para obtener una información actualizada del horario y los precios lo mejor es visitar la siguiente página:

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional