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Universidad de Salamanca
Jaume Masip
Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology
Tag Archives | lie bias

Brief but comprehensive review of lie detection research

Masip, J. (2017). Deception detection: State of the art and future prospects. Psicothema, 29, 149-159. doi:10.7334/psicothema2017.34 Background: Deception detection has been a longstanding concern throughout human history. It has also interested scientists, who have explored psychological and behavioral differences between liars and truth tellers, as well as ways to improve detection accuracy. Method: In recent […]

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Searching for the source of police officers’ lie bias in judging veracity

Masip, J., Alonso, H., Herrero, C., & Garrido, E. (2016). Experienced and novice officers’ Generalized Communication Suspicion and veracity judgments. Law and Human Behavior, 40, 169-181. doi:10.1037/lhb0000169 Deception detection research has shown that police officers are less truth-biased and make their veracity judgments with greater confidence than do nonofficers. Here we examined nonofficers, novice officers, […]

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