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Universidad de Salamanca
Jaume Masip
Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology
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Petición del Colectivo Carta por la Ciencia

Información general: Más abajo Más información: La carta: PARA FIRMAR: Jaume   La pérdida acelerada de capital humano y recursos es imparable como muestran los recientes artículos aparecidos en toda la prensa. No son excepciones, la llamada “fuga de cerebros” es más bien una huida ante la desesperada situación de la I+D+i […]

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Biases in publishing scientific articles, and suggestions on how to fix them

Only papers with significant results and an “interesting story” to tell are typically published and visible. The need to publish in high-impact journals to get promotion and grants is part of the problem. How many failures to replicate a published study lay in the researcher’s drawers? To what extent does this result in knowledge about […]

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Coercive citations in academic journals

Wilhite and Fong (2012) published a study in Science examining requests that journal editors make to authors to cite superfluous papers published in their journal. Wilhite and Fong analyzed more than 6500 responses from a survey completed by researchers in economics, sociology, psychology, and diverse business disciplines, as well as data from more than 800 […]

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Controversial Science study suggests that analytical thinking promotes religious disbelief

Dual-system theories contend that people can process information through System 1 (heuristic reasoning) or System 2 (analytical reasoning). There is evidence suggesting that intuitive cognitive processes facilitate belief in the supernatural. Gervais and Norenzayan (2012) run a series of five studies to examine whether this was also the case for religious beliefs. The authors concluded […]

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Do you need seveal thousands willing, cheap, multicultural, representative, non-student participants for a psychology study? Then learn about crowdsourcing in this Economist article.

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Harvard University encouraged faculty members to publish research in open access journals

Because of the rise in subscription costs charged by academic publishers, Harvard University has encouraged its faculty members to make their research freely available through open access journals. “We faculty do the research, write the papers, referee papers by other researchers, serve on editorial boards, all of it for free … and then we buy […]

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Entrevista a Suzanne Bennett Johnson, presidenta de la APA

Con el motivo de su visita a España, la presidenta de la American Psychological Association, Suzanne Benett Johnson, fue entrevistada. La enttrevista está accesible en Infocop Online y puedes leerla aquí.

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Writing easy-to-read academic articles. Some tips.

James Hartleydiscusses new approaches to the presentation of titles, abstracts, reader guidance, introductions, methods, results, tables, figures and conclusions to make a scientific article easier to read. His interesting open-access article, which has been published in the International Journal of CLinical and Health Psychology, can be reached here.

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“Do we need more methods?” Short article by Ellen Hamaker

Hellen Hamaker discusses a number of reasons why we do need new methods: first, because current techniques are not appropriate for handling every interesting question that may arise in psychological science; second, because when new data collection methods are designed, new forms of data arise that might require new methods of data analysis; and third, […]

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