Previous research has shown that inconsistencies across repeated interviews do not indicate deception because liars deliberately tend to repeat the same story. However, when a strategic interview approach that makes it difficult for liars to use the repeat strategy is used, both consistency and evasive answers differ significantly between truth tellers and liars, and statistical […]

About jmasip
An Interview Approach to Help Police Officers Detect Deception from Inconsistencies and Evasive Answers
Reliability of Criteria-based Content Analysis (CBCA): A meta-analysis
Hauch, V., Sporer, S. L., Masip, J., & Blandón-Gitlin, I. (2017). Can credibility criteria be assessed reliably? A meta-analysis of Criteria-based Content Analysis. Psychological Assessment, 29, 819-834. doi:10.1037/pas0000426 Can verbal content cues regarding the veracity of a statement be coded reliably with an approach called Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA)? We used meta-analysis, a statistical method […]
Sobre la importancia de los procesos cognitivos en la aproximación de la carga cognitiva para detectar mentiras
Blandón-Gitlin, I., López, R. M., Masip, J., & Fenn, E. (2017). Cognición, emoción y mentira: Implicaciones para detectar el engaño [Cognition, emotion, and lying: Implications to detect deception]. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 27, 95-106. doi:10.1016/j.apj.2017.02.004 Recientemente, la falta de evidencia en apoyo de la aproximación no verbal-emocional en detección de mentiras ha propiciado el desarrollo […]
Brief but comprehensive review of lie detection research
Masip, J. (2017). Deception detection: State of the art and future prospects. Psicothema, 29, 149-159. doi:10.7334/psicothema2017.34 Background: Deception detection has been a longstanding concern throughout human history. It has also interested scientists, who have explored psychological and behavioral differences between liars and truth tellers, as well as ways to improve detection accuracy. Method: In recent […]
Inconsistencies between repeated interviews can reveal deception: Interviewing suspects strategically to detect deception from inconsistencies and evasive answers
Masip, J., Blandón-Gitlin, I., Martínez, C., Herrero, C., & Ibabe, I. (2016). Strategic interviewing to detect deception: Cues to deception across repeated interviews. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1702. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01702 Previous deception research on repeated interviews found that liars are not less consistent than truth tellers, presumably because liars use a “repeat strategy” to be consistent […]
Testing Walczyk et al.’s ADCAT: While the expected consequences of truth telling were associated with the decision to lie/tell the truth, the expected consequences of lying were not
Masip, J., Blandón-Gitlin, I., de la Riva, C., & Herrero, C. (2016). An empirical test of the decision to lie component of the Activation-Decision-Construction-Action Theory (ADCAT). Acta Psychologica, 169, 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.05.004 Meta-analyses reveal that behavioral differences between liars and truth tellers are small. To facilitate lie detection, researchers are currently developing interviewing approaches to increase […]
Searching for the source of police officers’ lie bias in judging veracity
Masip, J., Alonso, H., Herrero, C., & Garrido, E. (2016). Experienced and novice officers’ Generalized Communication Suspicion and veracity judgments. Law and Human Behavior, 40, 169-181. doi:10.1037/lhb0000169 Deception detection research has shown that police officers are less truth-biased and make their veracity judgments with greater confidence than do nonofficers. Here we examined nonofficers, novice officers, […]
The decline in truth bias over the statement: Is it caused by sender’s behavior, receiver’s heuristic processing, or perceptions of inconsistencies?
Street, C. N. H., & Masip, J. (in press). The source of the truth bias: Heuristic processing? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. doi:10.1111/sjop.12204 People believe others are telling the truth more often than they actually are; this is called the truth bias. Surprisingly, when a speaker is judged at multiple points across their statement the truth […]
Police officers and community members get stuck to their beliefs about behavioral deception cues despite their experience showing that other kinds of information are far more revealing
Masip, J., & Herrero, C. (in press). Police detection of deception: Beliefs about behavioral cues to deception are strong even though contextual evidence is more useful. Journal of Communication. doi:10.1111/jcom.12135 Research questions the validity of behavioral deception cues; however, people believe behavioral cues are reliable deception indicators. Police officers and community members indicated both how […]
Can we detect lies with computers? Linguistic deception cues.
Hauch, V., Blandón-Gitlin, I., Masip, J., & Sporer, S. L. (in press). Are computers effective lie detectors? A meta-analysis of linguistic cues to deception. Personality and Social Psychology Review. doi:10.1177/1088868314556539 (Download) This meta-analysis investigates linguistic cues to deception and whether these cues can be detected with computer programs. We integrated operational definitions for 79 cues from […]