38. Ferrito N, Báez-Flores J, Rodríguez-Martín M, Sastre-Rodríguez J, Coppola A, Isidoro-García M, Prieto-Matos P, Lacal J*. (2024) Biomarker Landscape in RASopathies. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25, 8563. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25168563 *Corresponding author
37. Rodríguez-Martín M, Báez-Flores J, Ribes V, Isidoro-García M, Lacal J*, Prieto-Matos P. (2024) Non-mammalian models for understanding neurological defects in rasopathies. Biomedicines 12(4):841. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines12040841 *Corresponding author
36. González-Salvatierra S, García-Fontana C, Lacal J, Andújar-Vera F, Martínez-Heredia L, Sanabria-de la Torre R, Ferrer-Millán M, Moratalla-Aranda E, Muñoz-Torres M, García-Fontana B. (2023) Cardioprotective function of sclerostin by reducing calcium deposition, proliferation, and apoptosis in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovasc Diabetol 22, 301. doi: 10.1186/s12933-023-02043-8
35. González-Salvatierra S, García-Fontana B, Martínez-Heredia L, Lacal J, Andújar-Vera F, Sanabria-de la Torre R, Moratalla-Aranda E, Lozano-Alonso S, García-Fontana C, Muñoz-Torres M. (2023) Exploring the Role of Osteoglycin in Type 2 Diabetes: Implications for Insulin Resistance and Vascular Pathophysiology. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Oct 11. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00320.2023
34. Báez-Flores J, Rodríguez-Martín M, Lacal J*. (2023) The therapeutic potential of neurofibromin signaling pathways and binding partners. Communications Biology. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04815-0 *Corresponding author
33. Lois S, Báez-Flores J, Isidoro-García M, Lacal J*, Triviño JC. (2022) Identification of Germinal Neurofibromin Hotspots. Biomedicines. 2022; 10(8):2044. doi:10.3390/biomedicines10082044 *Corresponding author
32. Martínez-Morcillo FJ, Cantón-Sandoval J, Martínez-Navarro FJ, Cabas I, Martínez-Vicente I, Armistead J, Hatzold J, López-Muñoz A, Martínez-Menchón T, Corbalán-Vélez R, Lacal J, Hammerschmidt M, García-Borrón JC, García-Ayala A, Cayuela ML, Pérez-Oliva AB, García-Moreno D, Mulero V. (2021) NAMPT-derived NAD+ fuels PARP1 to promote skin inflammation through parthanatos cell death. Plos Biology 19(11):e3001455. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001455
31. Montero-Bullón, J., González-Velasco, Ó., Isidoro-García, M., Lacal J*. (2021) Integrated in silico MS-based Phosphoproteomics and Network Enrichment Analysis of RASopathy Proteins. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. Jul 6;16(1):303. doi: 10.1186/s13023-021-01934-x. *Corresponding author
30. Martín-González J., Montero-Bullón, J., Lacal J*. (2021) Dictyostelium discoideum as a nonmammalian biomedical model. Microbial Biotechnology. Jan;14(1):111-125. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13692. *Corresponding author
29. González-Velasco Ó, De Las Rivas J, Lacal J*. (2019) Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling identifies early developmentally regulated proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum. Cells. Oct 1;8(10). pii: E1187. doi: 10.3390/cells8101187. *Corresponding author
28. Baumgardner K, Lin C, Firtel RA, Lacal J*. (2018) Phosphodiesterase PdeD, dynacortin, and a Kelch repeat-containing protein are direct GSK3 substrates in Dictyostelium that contribute to chemotaxis towards cAMP. Environ Microbiol. 20:1888-1903. *Corresponding author
27. Lacal J, Shen Z, Baumgardner K, Wei J, Briggs SP, Firtel RA. (2018) The Dictyostelium GSK3 kinase GlkA coordinates signal relay and chemotaxis in response to growth conditions. Dev Biol. 435:56-72.
26. Liu Y, Lacal J, Firtel RA, Kortholt A. (2018) Connecting G protein signaling to chemoattractant-mediated cell polarity and cytoskeletal reorganization. Small GTPases. 9:360-364.
25. Liu Y*, Lacal J*, Veltman DM, Keizer-Gunnink I, Fusetti F, van Haastert PJM, Firtel RA, Kortholt A. (2016) A Galpha stimulated Ras/Rap switch regulates Dictyostelium chemotaxis and development. Dev Cell. 37:458-472. *Co-First
24. Collins KD, Lacal J, Ottemann KM. (2014) Internal Sense of Direction: Sensing and Signaling from Cytoplasmic Chemoreceptors. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 78:672-684. (Review)
23. Krell T, Lacal J, García-Fontana C, Silva-Jiménez H, Rico-Jiménez M, Lugo AC, Darias JA, Ramos JL. (2014) Characterization of molecular interactions using isothermal titration calorimetry. Methods Mol Biol. 1149:193-203.
22. Lacal J, Reyes-Darias JA, García-Fontana C, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2013) Tactic responses to pollutants and their potential to increase biodegradation efficiency. J Appl Microbiol. 114:923-933. (Review)
21. Kölsch V, Shen Z, Lee S, Plak K, Lotfi P, Chang J, Charest PG, Lacal J, Jeon TJ, Kortholt A, Briggs SP, Firtel RA. (2013) Daydreamer, a Ras effector and GSK-3 substrate, is important for directional sensing and cell motility. Mol Biol Cell. 24:100-114.
20. Krell T, Lacal J, Reyes-Darias JA, Jimenez-Sanchez C, Sungthong R, Ortega-Calvo JJ. (2013) Bioavailability of pollutants and chemotaxis. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 24:451-456. (Review)
19. Pineda-Molina E, Lacal J, Reyes-Darias JA, Ramos JL, García-Ruiz JM, Gavira JA, Krell T. (2012) Evidence for chemoreceptors with bimodular ligand-binding region: signal binding to each module causes a response. Febs journal. 279:415.
18. Pineda-Molina E, Reyes-Darias JA, Lacal J, Ramos JL, García-Ruiz JM, Gavira JA, Krell T. (2012) Evidence for chemoreceptors with bimodular ligand-binding regions harboring two signal-binding sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109:18926-18931.
17. Gavira JA, Lacal J, Ramos JL, García-Ruiz JM, Krell T, Pineda-Molina E. (2012) Crystallization and crystallographic analysis of the ligand-binding domain of the Pseudomonas putida chemoreceptor McpS in complex with malate and succinate. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 1:428-431.
16. Udaondo Z, Duque E, Fernández M, Molina L, de la Torre J, Bernal P, Niqui JL, Pini C, Roca A, Matilla MA, Molina-Henares MA, Silva-Jiménez H, Navarro-Avilés G, Busch A, Lacal J, Krell T, Segura A, Ramos JL. (2012) Analysis of solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E based on its genome sequence and a collection of mutants. FEBS Lett. 586:2932-2938.
15. Krell T, Lacal J, Guazzaroni ME, Busch A, Silva-Jiménez H, Fillet S, Reyes-Darías JA, Muñoz-Martínez F, Rico-Jiménez M, García-Fontana C, Duque E, Segura A, Ramos JL. (2012) Responses of Pseudomonas putida to toxic aromatic carbon sources. J Biotechnol. 160:25-32.
14. Lacal J, Muñoz-Martínez F, Reyes-Darías JA, Duque E, Matilla M, Segura A, Calvo JJ, Jímenez-Sánchez C, Krell T, Ramos JL. (2011) Bacterial chemotaxis towards aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas. Environ Microbiol. 13:1733-1744.
13. Molina L, Duque E, Gómez MJ, Krell T, Lacal J, García-Puente A, García V, Matilla MA, Ramos JL, Segura A. (2011) The pGRT1 plasmid of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E encodes functions relevant for survival under harsh conditions in the environment. Environ Microbiol. 13:2315-2327.
12. Lacal J, García-Fontana C, Callejo-García C, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2011) Physiologically relevant divalent cations modulate citrate recognition by the McpS chemoreceptor. J Mol Recognit. 24:378-385.
11. Krell T, Lacal J, Muñoz-Martínez F, Reyes-Darias JA, Cadirci BH, García-Fontana C, Ramos JL. (2011) Diversity at its best: bacterial taxis. Environ Microbiol. 13:1115-1124. (Review)
10. Krell T, Lacal J, Busch A, Silva-Jiménez H, Guazzaroni ME, Ramos JL. (2010) Bacterial sensor kinases: diversity in the recognition of environmental signals. Annu Rev Microbiol. 64:539-559. (Review)
9. Lacal J, García-Fontana C, Muñoz-Martínez F, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2010) Sensing of environmental signals: classification of chemoreceptors according to the size of their ligand binding regions. Environ Microbiol. 12:2873-2884. (Review)
8. Busch A, Lacal J, Silva-Jímenez H, Krell T, Ramos JL. (2010) Catabolite repression of the TodS/TodT two-component system and effector-dependent transphosphorylation of TodT as the basis for toluene dioxygenase catabolic pathway control. J Bacteriol. 192:4246-4250.
7. Lacal J, Alfonso C, Liu X, Parales RE, Morel B, Conejero-Lara F, Rivas G, Duque E, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2010) Identification of a chemoreceptor for tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates: differential chemotactic response towards receptor ligands. J Biol Chem. 285:23126-23136.
6. Krell T, Busch A, Lacal J, Silva-Jiménez H, Ramos JL. (2009) The enigma of cytosolic two-component systems: a hypothesis. Environ Microbiol Rep. 1:171-176.
5. Busch A, Guazzaroni ME, Lacal J, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2009) The sensor kinase TodS operates by a multiple step phosphorelay mechanism involving two autokinase domains. J Biol Chem. 284:10353-10360.
4. Lacal J, Guazzaroni ME, Gutiérrez-del-Arroyo P, Busch A, Vélez M, Krell T, Ramos JL. (2008) Two levels of cooperativeness in the binding of TodT to the tod operon promoter. J Mol Biol. 384:1037-1047.
3. Lacal J, Guazzaroni ME, Busch A, Krell T, Ramos JL. (2008) Hierarchical binding of the TodT response regulator to its multiple recognition sites at the tod pathway operon promoter. J Mol Biol. 376:325-337.
2. Busch A, Lacal J, Martos A, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2007) Bacterial sensor kinase TodS interacts with agonistic and antagonistic signals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:13774-13779.
1. Lacal J, Busch A, Guazzaroni ME, Krell T, Ramos JL. (2006) The TodS-TodT two-component regulatory system recognizes a wide range of effectors and works with DNA-bending proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:8191-8196.
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