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TEEM Conference – Universidad de Salamanca

The Research Institute on Educational Sciences at the University of Salamanca ( will start a new PhD Programme on Education and Knowledge Society, under an interdisciplinary approach supported by Research Groups on Education, Engineering and Robotics, Medicine, Information and Documentation Sciences and Communication Media.

The main aim of this PhD Programme is researching, discussing and generating new knowledge about the learning as a key element of the Knowledge Society, including both the Social Sciences studies and the new technological advances but within a synergic and symbiotic approach.

TEEM has a Steering Committee that watch over the spirit of this event in future editions. The initial idea is this Conference will be held in Salamanca University each odd year, while even years will be organized in other University all over the world.

The proposed tracks for this first edition are:

For more information:


Paper Submission: June 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2013
Camera-ready version: July 15, 2013
Conference dates: November 14-15, 2013

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