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Universidad de Salamanca
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Vacancy: PhD Position Computing / Gender Studies – University of Kassel, Germany.

Imagen relacionadaPhD position (salary scale EG 13 TV-H) / as soon as possible / application deadline 02.01.2017

University of Kassel (Germany), Department of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science, Research Group: Gender Diversity in Informatics Systems

Reference no. 29552
Position no. 21084724

Full-time position for initially three years, with possible extension for further two years (according to § 65 HHG in conjunction with § 2 paragraph 1 sentence 1 WissZeitVG).

The position is part of the new research group Gender Diversity in Informatics Systems (starting January 2017). The research program focuses on establishing a productive, transdisciplinary dialog between gender and diversity studies and computer science. Informatics systems are understood as socioculturally embedded -  social inequality, ethics, accessibility, in-&exclusion are addressed, in particular. A research laboratory promotes inclusive, alternative methods of system design, e.g. participatory design, reflective design, art-based research.
The research group is a member of the Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG, University of Kassel), an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers revolving around sociotechnical system design and social responsibility of technology.

Task profile:

Assistance in research and teaching, preparation of scientific meetings and conferences, grant writing. Support in setting up the research group; participation in the research lab. Independent research in an area related to the group’s scientific agenda.

Requirements profile:

- completed university studies in computer science, informatics or a related field
- research interest related to the group’s scientific agenda, e.g. sociotechnical system design, user-centered design, participatory design, critical computing, digitization or else
- ideally background in gender and / or diversity studies
- strong interest in academic research, inter-/transdisciplinary work, as well as pronounced methodological and analytical skills
- excellent English language skills

For further questions please contact Professor Dr. Claude Draude at

Please submit your applications (stating reference and position number)  – including a letter of interest, CV, copies of all university degrees -  in digital form (acceptable only as single pdf file) to Hard copy applications (stating reference and position number) with relevant documents are to be addressed to the President of the University of Kassel, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel, Germany. Please send no original files, since these cannot be returned after completing the selection procedure.

The University of Kassel is an equal opportunity employer. A significant increase in the proportion of women in research and teaching is being sought. Qualified women are therefore expressly invited to apply. In case of equal qualification, persons with disabilities who are severely handicapped will be given preferential consideration.

Information on the position is available online (in German only):

Application deadline: 02.01.2017

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