Research Group


He founded the research group “Tecnología y poder en el pensamiento y las letras” (TePPeL) in 2021, as one of the outcomes of the project PID2019-104957GA-I00 (Exocanónicos: márgenes y descentramiento en la literatura en español del siglo XXI), and it became officially recognized at the University of Salamanca in early 2022.

Among the areas of interest of this R&D group (GIR) is the relationship between technologies, the humanities, and society, focusing on how power relations are established in the mediation between these spheres and the multidisciplinary analysis of all these spaces.

This includes the study of the bidirectional relationship between the arts and technologies, their reception and impact, the construction of imaginaries, etc., through interdisciplinary theoretical approaches. Addressing the contemporary creative spectrum shaped by digitality and other technologies, their symbiosis, and continuous mutation, allows us to explore media and their intermedial and transmedial relationships. This approach also considers how technologies, despite their ubiquity, generate spaces of power and friction in society. It’s not about mere Luddite discourses but analyzing how these situations are reflected in creative productions and society itself. We engage with diverse issues such as the analysis and impact of algorithms, the representation of transhumanism, sociocultural inscriptions, formal hybridity, and creative positioning both within and outside of power centers.

Thus, while the focus is on the world of letters and, by extension, thought, especially through essay writing, the objectives of the GIR are diverse and rich in both primary sources and theoretical orientations, viewpoints, methodologies, and areas of interest.

Although the default structure of research groups is internal, prioritizing members of the University of Salamanca, this group includes members from diverse national and international universities.


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