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Universidad de Salamanca
Carlos Hernández-García
Photonics and Laser Applications Group
vector beam


CarlosPhD in Physics (2013). Currently Associate Professor at University of Salamanca (Spain), in the Research Group in Photonics and Laser Applications (ALF-USAL). Former Research Associate at JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder (USA), within a European Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (2013-2016). Principal Investigator of a “Beca Leonardo” funded by Fundación BBVA (2017). Recipient of the EPS-QEOD Fresnel Prize in 2019  for fundamental aspects; the Physics Prize RSEF-BBVA 2019 as Young Researcher in Theoretical Physics; the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize In Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 2021; and the ICO Prize in 2023. Principal Investigator of a 2019 ERC Starting Grant, ATTOSTRUCTURA “Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience”, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Fields of interest: Laser-matter Interaction, Ultrafast Phenomena, Nonlinear Optics, High-order Harmonic Generation and Propagation, Attosecond and Zeptosecond Physics,  Orbital and Spin Angular Momentum, Structured Attosecond Pulses, Ultrafast Magnetism, among others.

Citation Metrics: (as of 29/02/2024, GS=Google Scholar, WoS=Web of Science).

  • Total peer reviewed articles indexed in JCR: 80 (60 in the first quartile)
  • Total publications (including proceedings): 182 (GS), 111 (WoS). 
  • Sum of the times cited: 5845 (GS), 3863 (WoS)
  • h-index: 31 (GS), 24 (WoS)

Radio Usal interview (in Spanish, 11 December 2018): La USAL, pionera en un nuevo tipo de láser con importantes aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones y materiales.

Los increíbles torbellinos de luz láser [The incredible whirlwinds of laser light] (in Spanish, February 2019):

Usal TV interview (in Spanish, December 2018):

Radio Usal interview (in Spanish, 15 March 2018): Láseres de rayos X. El mundo filmado a cámara lenta.

Usal TV interview (in Spanish, December 2015):

You can have a quick look at my Scientific Publications,  the Press releases of scientific articles in which I was involved, and at my blog Attociencia en Colorado (in Spanish).

Selected Recent Publications:

Selected Recent Press Releases: 



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