Requena, M., & Stanek, M. (2024). Differential rates of induced abortion in Spain: Educational attainment and age among native and immigrant women. Gaceta Sanitaria, 38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2024.102419
Estrada Villaseñor, C., Hosnedlová, R., & Stanek, M. (2024). Infancia en movimiento: redefiniendo la agencia infantil entre resiliencia y vulnerabilidad. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (61), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.14422/mig.y2024.i61
Dello Iacono, Chiara; Requena, Miguel; Stanek, Mikolaj (2024) Social inequalities, advanced maternal age, and birth weight. Evidence from a population-based study in Spain, Gaceta Sanitaria, 38.
Dello Iacono, Ch.; Requena, M., Stanek, M (2024) Latina paradox in Spain? Arrival-cohort effects on the birth weight of newborns of Latina mothers, Journal of Biosocial Science, on-line first https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932024000099
del Rey Poveda, A., Stanek, M., García-Gómez, J., & Orfao, G. (2024). Patterns of overeducation among highly educated mobile intra-EU workers, 2005–2016: Enlargement, financial crisis, and mobility. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, on-line first.
Dello Iacono, Ch.; Juarez, S., Stanek, M (2024) Duration of residence and offspring birth weight among foreign-born mothers in Spain: A cross-sectional study, European Journal of Public Health, on-line first
Stanek, Mikolaj (2023) “Demografía e inmigración” (en) 111 preguntas o el rompecabezas de la inmigración, Red Vasca Antirumores y Gobierno del Páis Vasco.
García-Gómez, Jesús; del Rey Alberto; & Stanek, Mikolaj (2023) Fertility of immigrants and their descendants in Spain: intergenerational convergence to the native population’s behaviour?, Migration Studies, 11(4):669–693, 10.1093/migration/mnad025
Grande, Rafael; García-González, Juan Manuel; Stanek, Mikolaj (2023) Differences in the risk of premature cancer mortality between natives and immigrants in Spain, European Journal Of Public Health, 33(5):803-808 https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad102
del Rey Alberto; Stanek, Mikolaj & García-Gómez, Jesús (2023) Long goodbyes: Pathways of leaving home by gender and destination in Spain, European Sociological Review, 39 (6): 973–991 https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac064
Stanek, Mikolaj; del Rey, Alberto, García-Gómez, Jesús & dello Iacono, Chiara (2023) Same rights different outcomes? Decomposition of differences in over-qualification among mobile EU workers, Journal of Contemporary European Studies , (31) 2, pp. 394-408 doi.org/10.1080/14782804.2021.2001314
Stanek, Mikolaj; Konstantinidou, Angeliki; Vianello, Francesca Alice (2023) Migration Dynamics in Southern Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries, en: Arcila, C. y Veglis, A. (Eds.). Migrants and Refugees in Southern Europe beyond the News Stories. Photographs, Hate, and Journalists’ Perceptions. New York: Lexington Books. ISBN: 978-1-66690-361-4
Arcila, Carlos; Amores, Javier & Stanek, Mikolaj (2023) Predicting integration of refugees: Using machine learning and synthetic populations to predict social acceptance of asylum seekers in European regions, en Salah, Korkmaz & Bircan (Eds.). Data Science for Migration and Mobility. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780197267103
dello Iacono, Chiara; Requena, Miguel & Stanek, Mikolaj (2022) Partnership, living arrangements, and low birth weight: evidence from a population-based study on Spanish mothers, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 9 (25) https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-022-05263-0
Grande, Rafael; del Rey Alberto & Stanek, Mikolaj (2022) Efectos del desempleo femenino de larga duración en la fecundidad de las parejas españolas, 2005-2019, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 80(1), https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2022.
Stanek, Mikolaj; Requena, Miguel & del Rey, Alberto (2021) Impact of Socio‑economic Status on Low Birthweight: Decomposing the Differences Between Natives and Immigrants in Spain, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 23 (1), 71–78 doi.org/10.1007/s10903-020-01027-0
Jesús García-Gómez, Mikolaj Stanek & Alberto del Rey (2021) New member state workers in Western European labour markets. Are they civically stratified?, European Societies, 23:3, 360-378, doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2020.1817521
Stanek, Mikolaj; Requena, Miguel; del Rey, Alberto & García-Gómez, Jesús (2020) Beyond the healthy immigrant paradox: decomposing differences in birthweight among immigrants in Spain, Globalization and Health, 16(87), 1-12. doi.10.1186/s12992-020-00612-0.
Alberto del Rey Poveda; Mikolaj Stanek y Jesús García Gómez (2020) Los efectos de la crisis económica en los desajustes educativos-laborales de la población inmigrante en Europa del Sur, en Sempere Souvannavong, J.-D., Cortés Samper, C., Cutillas Orgilés, E., y Valero Escandell, JR. (Eds.). Población y territorio. España tras la crisis. Granada: Comares. ISBN: 978-84-9045-911-9
Stanek, M. & Requena, M. (2019). Expected lifetime in different employment statuses: evidence from the economic boom-and-bust cycle in Spain, Research on Aging, 41 (3), pp. 286-309.
Amores, J.J., Calderón, C.A., & Stanek, M. (2019) Visual frames of migrants and refugees in the main Western European media. Economics and Sociology, 12(3), 147-161.
Stanek, Mikolaj & Requena, Miguel (2019) Working apart together: The impact of immigration on Spanish class structure, Migration Letters, 16(3), 441-449.
Del Álamo, Nuria; Stanek, Mikolaj, Ábalos, José Manuel. Del Rey, Alberto (2019) Using new technologies to understand migratory and ethnic realities: Blog MigracionesUsal, (en) Conde González, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez Sedano, Francisco Jesús; Fernández Llamas, Camino; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José (eds.) TEEM’19 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, ACM Nueva York, pp. 850-854.
Stanek, Mikolaj & Requena, Miguel (2019) Immigration and Social Class Identity: The Case of Spain, (en) Krzyżowski, Łukasz; Leszczyńska , Katarzyna; Szmeja, Maria; Wyobrażone, przeżyte, przedstawione. Księga jubileuszowa dla profesora Janusza Muchy [Imaginado, vivido, representado. Libro homenaje dedicado al profesor Janusz Mucha], Cracovia: Nomos, pp. 138-150.
Gsir, Sonia; Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj (2018) “Migration Policy Reforms in Context of Economic and Political Crises: The Case of Belgium” (in) Ch. Roos, N. Zaun (Eds.), The Global Economic Crisis and Migration, New York: Routledge.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel & Stanek, Mikolaj (2018) Southern European Migration Towards Northern Europe (in) IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2018, Barcelona: IEMed, pp. 325-328.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Mikolaj Stanek, (2017) “EU Migration and the Economic Crisis: Concepts and Issues” (in) J-M. Lafleur; M. Stanek (Eds.), South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis, Cham: Springer IMISCOE Research Series, pp. 1-14.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj, (2017) “ Restrictions in Access to Social Protection of New Southern European Migrants in Belgium”, (in) J-M. Lafleur; M. Stanek (Eds.), South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis, Cham: Springer IMISCOE Research Series, pp. 99-121.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj; Veira, Alberto (2017) “South-North Labour Migration Within the Crisis-Affected European Union: New Patterns, New Contexts and New Challenges”, (en) J-M. Lafleur; M. Stanek (Eds.), South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis, Cham: Springer IMISCOE Research Series, pp. 193-214.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj (2017) “Lessons from the South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis”, (in) J-M. Lafleur; M. Stanek (Eds.), South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis, Cham: Springer IMISCOE Research Series, pp. 215-224.
Mikolaj Stanek y Jean-Michel Lafleur (2017) “Emigración de españoles en la UE: pautas, implicaciones y retos futuros” (en) J. Arango, R. Mahía, D. Moya y E. Sánchez-Montijano, La inmigración en el ojo del huracán”. Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2017, Barcelona: CIDOB.
Gsir, Sonia; Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj 2016 “Migration Policy Reforms in Context of Economic and Political Crises: The Case of Belgium” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(10), pp. 1651-1669.
González-Ferrer, Amparo; Stanek, Mikolaj (2016), “No longer the promised land? Return migration from Eastern and Central Europe to Spain during the economic crisis”, Studi Emigrazione/ Migration Studies, LIII(202), pp. 193-215.
Stanek, Mikolaj; Hosnedlova, Renata; Brey, Elisa, (2016), „Research on Ukrainian Migration to Spain: Moving Beyond the Exploratory Approach” (en) O. Feyduk, M. Kindler (Eds.) Ukrainian Migration to the European Union. Lessons from Migration Studies, Cham: Springer IMISCOE Research Series, pp 193-214.
Kaczmarczyk, Pawel; Stanek, Mikolaj, (2016), “Crisis and beyond. Intra-EU mobility of Polish and Spanish migrants in a comparative perspective”, (in) A. Triandafyllidou, & I. Isaakyan (Eds.), High Skill Migration and Recession: Gendered Perspectives, Houndmills: Editorial Palgrave Macmillan.
Barbulescu, Roxana; Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj (2015). Intra-European Mobility: Patterns of Immigration Flows and Policies (in) Europa Publications, Western Europe 2016, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 35-39.
Requena, Miguel & Stanek, Mikolaj, 2015, “Las clases sociales en España. Cambio, composición y consecuencias”, (en) Agustin Blanco (Ed.), Informe España 2015, Madrid: Fundación Encuentro, pp. 487-517
González-Ferrer, Amparo; Stanek, Mikolaj, 2014, “Cualificación de los inmigrantes sudamericanos en España y EE.UU. Ciclo migratorio, mercados de trabajo y políticas de selección , Camino Real. Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas, vol. 6, pp. 57 -75.
Stanek. Mikolaj; Hosnedlova, Renata 2014, “Analysing Selected Transnational Activities among Ukrainian Immigrants in Spain”, Central and Eastern European Migration Review” (special issue on Ukrainian migration in European Union), 3 (1), pp. 99–114.
Requena, Miguel; Stanek, Mikolaj 2014 “Religiosity and Politics in Spain and Poland: a period effect analysis”, Social Compass, 61 (3), pp. 348-367.
Stanek, Mikolaj; Veira Alberto 2013 “Occupational mobility at migration – evidence from Spain”, Sociological Research Online , 18(4)
Requena, Miguel; Stanek, Mikolaj 2013 “Secularization in Poland and Spain after the democratic transition: a cohort analysis”, International Sociology, 28 (1), pp. 84-101**.
Stanek, Mikolaj, 2012, “Gendered ethnic niches and occupational mobility of Polish migrants in Madrid”, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 38 (3), pp. 133-149.
Stanek, Mikolaj; Veira Alberto, 2012, “Ethnic niching in a segmented labour market: evidence from Spain”, Migration Letters, 10(3), pp. 101-116.
Stanek, Mikolaj; Hosnedlova, Renata, 2012, “Exploring transnational practices of Ukrainian immigrants in Spain”, Economics and Sociology, 5(1), pp. 62-73*.
Stanek, Mikolaj, 2011, “Nichos étnicos y movilidad socio-ocupacional. El caso del colectivo polaco en Madrid”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 135, pp. 69-89.
Veira, Alberto; Stanek, Mikolaj; Cachón Lorenzo, 2011, “Los determinantes de concentración étnica en el mercado laboral español”, Revista Internacional de Sociología, no. 1, .pp. 219-242.
Stanek, Mikolaj, 2010, “Flujos migratorios desde Europa Central y Oriental después de 1989”, Historia y Política, 23 (enero-junio), pp. 85-111.
Hosnedlová, Renata; Stanek, Mikolaj, 2010, “Inmigrantes ucranianos en España – una aproximación a las pautas de movilidad internacional”, Scripta Nova, XIV(312).
Stanek, Mikolaj, 2009, “Patterns of Romanian and Bulgarian migration to Spain”, Europe Asia Studies, 61(9), pp. 1627- 1644.**
Edited books
Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Mikolaj Stanek (eds.) (2017) South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London: Springer, IMISCOE editions.
Raczkiewicz, Marek; Barlinska Izabela; Stanek, Mikolaj (eds.) (2008) “Przeszlosc i terazniejszosc Polonii hiszpanskiej” [Polish Community in Spain – Past and Present], Cracow, Homo Dei, (in Polish). ISBN: 978-83-60998-13-7