Current research projects
Social inequalities in access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy [DESIVE] funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation [PID2021-128108OB-I00]. PI: Mikolaj Stanek (2022-2025)
Understanding migration mobility patterns: elaborating mid and long-term migration scenarios [HumMingBird] funded by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme European Union (870661), PI: Idesbald Nicaise (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Previous research projects
Demographic convergences and divergences between natives and immigrants in Spain in light of linked data [DEMODATA] funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation [RTI2018-098455-A-C22]. PI: Mikolaj Stanek (2019-2022)
Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants (PHARM). Research funded by the European Commission, as part of the programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) [Ref. 875217]. PI: Carlos Arcila Calderón (USAL), (2020-2022).
Baja fecundidad e infecundidad: un análisis de los factores causales de la pérdida de nacimientos en España y Castilla y León en perspectiva comparada funded by Junta de Castilla y León [5408-Q3718001E], PI: Alberto del Rey (2019-2021)
Retos demográficos. Red temática de investigación en Demografía y Estudios de la Población. [RED2018-102841-T] funded as part of the 2018 Call for the “Research Networks” dynamisation actions of the State Sub-programme for the Generation of Knowledge. Coordinator: Diego Ramiro Fariñas (CSIC) (2019-2020)
Población, familia y migraciones en las sociedades contemporáneas [Ref. H2019/HUM-5802] financed as part of the aid for the implementation of R&D activity programmes between research groups in the Community of Madrid in the Social Sciences and Humanities of the Regional Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Coordinador: Miguel Requena (UNED) (2020-2022)
Research group membership
M2S “Mercado de Trabajo, Migraciones, Salud”
GEPS ” Grupo de Estudios Población y Sociedad”
Grupo de Investigación de Dinámicas Demográficas