Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Grupo de Investigación. Prof. Mariano Martín

On the News

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Invited seminar for Resources Conservation and Recycling. A paper from Jose’s Thesis

Invited talk at 3rd PSE State of the art @ Hangzhou

Ipropbio on the news!!

2023 rankings of best scientists and universities in the world: We are there !!!!

Manuel Taifouris sucessfully defends his PhD Thesis July 2023

AIChE Award for the work in collaboration with Hexxcell. Congratulations!!

Collaboration with EPA and UWM on the news. European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)

Optimising economic and social impacts through sustainable renewable energy resources: Antonio’s paper on the news

Proyecto H2 Verde

Sobre el hidrógeno verde. Entrevista al prof. Mariano Martín. Min 13
Carlos Prieto and Carlos Sánchez are awarded TCUE ‘s grants.

Edgar Martín Hernández sucessfully defends his PhD Thesis February 2022

Ranking Stanford

Antonio Sánchez sucessfully defends his PhD Thesis November 2021

Proyecto con MIRAT

Introduction to software for chemical engineers:Best 100 chemical Engineering books of all time
The best Chemical Engineering books of all time

Edgar’s Paper featured in Twitter

José A Luceño sucessfully defends her PhD Thesis July 2021

Lidia Guerras sucessfully defends her PhD Thesis June 2021

Biobased biodegradable materials. Webminar Chile

38 profesores de la Universidad de Salamanca top 2% del mundo. Dr. Martín top 1% en Ingeniería Química

Provincia Universitaria 2021.

Introduction to software for chemical engineers: Best chemical Engineering books in 2021.

The best new Chemical Engineering ebooks

Clara Montero is awarded TCUE grant.

Check out the excel spreadsheet
generated by the authors of the paper A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field .
that ranks the top 100,000 scientists according to a standardized citation metric.
Within the subject field of Chemical Engineering, my rank is 512 over 55697 researchers (Top 1%).

Sofía González defends her TCUE grant.

Borja Hernández sucessfully defends PhD Thesis November 2020. Outsandding PhD award USAL 2021

Prof. Martin. Keynote Speaker at SPIL Conference

Edgar’s tool COW2NUTRIENT for the EPA is featured

Matlab promotion of the 2nd edition of the Introduction to Software for Chem. Eng. book.

Introduction to software for chemical engineers:Best chemical Engineering books in 2020.

The best new Chemical Engineering ebooks

Salvador Pérez Uresti Defends PhD June 2020

Sofía González is awarded TCUE grant.

Borja Hernández receives Travel grant from Processes to attend Escape 30 in Milano May 2020.

César Ramirez Defends PhD 8 Feb 2020

The work of the group on hybrid CSP-waste power plants has been featured in CEP Magazine in July 2019.

The Second Edition of the textbook of software featured on the News.

The Second Edition of the textbook of software is already out there.

European Project featured in BE sustainable

Ammonia project featured in TV USAL.

Project with La robla on twitter

Spain Case study featured in Science Trends 2018

Project with La robla on the News

Paula receives TCUE award 2018

Reseach Group on the Local News – November 2017

Prof. Martín invited to talk about textbook author and editor experience with Elsevier

Dr Martín Recognized at WCCE 10

El Dr. Mariano Martín dictará el curso de posgrado en la Universidad Nacional del Sur. Bahía Blanca. Argentina

Biomass work described in Ignacio Grossmann’s ETH Zúrich Chemical Engineering Medal 2017

Report on the textbook by Chemical Engineering 2017

Antonio defends his TCUE project 2016

Antonio is awarded the one of the TCUE awards 2016

Borja Hernández and José A Luceño the recipients of the TCUE awards 2015

Erick León Recibe el segundo premio de la cátedra emprendedores por su proyecto fin de carrera. Planta de producción de biogas Oct. 2015

Dr. Martín gives a workshop on renewable process design in the Week of Science at University of Guanajuato (México). August 2015.(min 20)

Dr. Martín gives a plenary lecture in the Week of Science at University of Guanajuato (México). August 2015.

Estela Peral receives the “2015 Young innovator award” for her Final degree Project.

Marta Vidal TCUE project gets highlighted.

Entrevista USAL TV. Energía y Biocombustible Nov 2014

Entrevista USAL TV. Proyecto TCUE Erick León Oct 2014


INFORME SALAMANCA TV8 3 Nov 2014 – Las matemáticas aplicadas a los detergentes

Oct 2014 La Gaceta Salamanca: Jornada de Prototipos

Oct 2014 Polímeros de glycerol

Septiembre 2014 Cadena Ser: Entrevista optimización de productos

Julio 2014 Detergentes

Enero 2014 Una universidad española diseña una innovadora planta de producción de silicio para módulos fotovoltaicos

Suecia y Salamanca cerca gracias a la producción rentable de bio-dimetil-éter

Diseñan una planta de producción de anticuerpos monoclonales

Proyectos premiados TCUE 2013

Simposio Internacional de Bioeconomía Argentina 2013

Ponencia en el Simposio Internacional de Bioeconomía Argentina 2013

2012 Artículo sobre el trabajo biodiesel usando bioetanol

2011 Water consumption in ethanol production

2011 Periódico Universitario CMU entrevista a Mariano Martín: FT diesel

2007. Entrevista a Prof. Grossmann y Ramkumar: Corn ethanol optimization

2005 Entrevista USAL por el Premio MAPFRE

Política de privacidad
Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional