Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Grupo de Investigación. Prof. Mariano Martín


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Welcome to the PSE lab at the University of Salamanca


Group leader



Mariano Martín Martín

Professor (Catedrático de Universidad)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Plz. De los Caídos 1-5. 37008. Salamanca (Spain)
University of Salamanca


Email: mariano.m3(at)
Google Scholar
Researcher ID
Fax: 0034923294574


Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Carnegie Mellon University 2009-2011
Postdoctoral position at Modeling and Simulation. Procter and Gamble 2008-2009
European Doctor. University of Salamanca 2003-2008
Chemical Engineer (B. Sc. & M. Sc.) University of Salamanca 1998-2003

On the news







Students selected Prom. Godfather 2018
Final Lacture. Chemical Engineering Graduation. USAL May 2015.
Top Professor Chemical Enigneering. USAL 2012-2013
NSF-CMU Fellowship for attending PASI 2011
Senior Member of the AIChE
Fulbright Postdoctoral Research fellowship 2009-2011
P&G Research Award 2008 for the contribution to Modeling and Simulation
Extraordinary Award for PhD Thesis. University of Salamanca 2008
European Doctor with honors. University of Salamanca 2008
Research Internship. Institute for Chemical Process Fundamentals. Prague. June-September 2007. MEC
Research Internship CMU August – November 2006. MEC
Doctoral research fellowship. Spanish Ministry of Science MEC 2004-2008
MAPFRE award for final degree project. 2003
Graduated with Honors Chemical Engineering . 2003.
Industrial Intership at Plásticos Durex SA. Summer 2002.
Research starting grant for Undergraduates. MEC. 2001-2002
Graduated with Honors. Fernando de Rojas High School. Salamanca 1998

Coordination activities


Editor asociado (Asociated Editor) Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering

Editor temático (Subject Editor) Latin American Applied Research. Field Chemical Engineering

Editor (Review Editor). Frontiers in energy and process systmes

Editor Regional. Energy Research Journal.

Director del Máster en Ingeniería Química de la USAL

Coordinador Erasmus-SICUE for Chemical Engineering (USAL)



International Academic collaborators


Ignacio E. Grossmann

Carnegie Mellon University (EE.UU.)

Victor Zavala

University Wisconsin Madison (EE.UU.)

Qi Zhang

University of Minnesota (EE.UU.)

David W. York

University of Leeds (UK)

Serafim Bakalis

Nottingham University (UK)

Zdravko Kravanja

University of Maribor (Eslovenia)

Elvis Ahmetovic

University of Tuzla (Bosnia)

Claudio Toro

CIPA (Chile)

José M. Ponce

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)

Gabriel Segovia

Universidad de Guanajuato (México)

Arturo Jiménez

IT Celaya (México)

Carlos Cardona

Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Manizales

Política de privacidad
Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional