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23/05/12, 11:21

Glia-neuron interactions in the mammalian retina. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 2016,  51, 1-40.  Elena Vecino  , F.David Rodriguez  , Noelia Ruzafa  , Xandra Pereiro  , Sansar C. Sharma

GEMSP exerts a myelin-protecting role in the optic nerve. Neurological Research. 2013; 35, 903-911. A. Mangas, E. Vecino, F. David Rodríguez, M. Geffard and R. Coveñas.

In vitro evaluation of the antielastase activity of polyciclic beta-lactams. Biooganic Chemistry 2012; 45:29-35. Laura M. Monleón, Fernando Díez-García, Héctor Zamora, Josefa Anaya, Manuel Grande, Juana G. de Diego and F. David Rodríguez.

Morphology of retinal vessels in the optic disk in a Göttingen minipig experimental glaucoma model. Vet Ophthalmol. 2012 Suppl 1:36-46 Galdos M, Bayón A, Rodriguez FD, Micó C, Sharma SC, Vecino E.

Targeting opioid and neurokinin-1 receptors to treat alcoholism. Curr Med Chem. 2011;18:4321-34. Rodriguez FD, Coveñas R.

Stem cell plasticity, neuroprotection and regeneration in human eye diseases. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2011;6(1):73-81. Rodríguez FD, Vecino E.

El alcohol altera la neurotransmisión cerebralAdicción y ciencia 2011, Vol 1(2). FD Rodríguez. Revista electrónica