University of Salamanca (1996-present)
- Advanced research in media processes and effects
- Mediation, moderation and moderated mediation analysis with bootstrapping techniques. Introduction to the macro PROCESS for SPSS
- Mediation, moderation and moderated mediation analysis with bootstrapping techniques. Introduction to the macro PROCESS by Andrew F. Hayes
- Introduction to the use of QUALTRICS as a research tool
- Methodological foundations of experimental research in culture and communication
- Statistic with SPSS for Macintosh
- The questionnaire as a research tool in communication and culture
- Research on the communication of social issues in the media: content, effects and design guidelines
- Science journalism as a specific subject of communication: state of the art and general characteristics
- Research in science communication
- Analysis of the processes and content of science communication
- Integration and diversity in the XXI century. The role of the media
- Mass media and disability
- Educational research audiovisual communication
- Quantitative research methods in communication
- The scientific method
- Analysis and audience research
Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
- Quantitative Research Seminar
- Data Analysis with SPSS and its application in research in Social Sciences
- Experimental Methods in Communication
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (Perú)
- Data Analysis with SPSS in Social Sciences Research.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Reducing prejudice through narrative messages
Universidad de Extremadura
- Methodological keys of experimental research in communication science. Practical applications in narrative persuasion
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Experimental research in Communication
- Research in progress: Analysis of the immigration in the Spanish media
University of Málaga
- The image of immigration in the media
- Focus group research: their application in social psychology and communication
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
- Data analysis with SPSS for Windows. Its application in communication research
Universidad de Valladolid
- Analysis of advertising communication in the knowledge society
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Research on the communication of social issues in the media: content, effects and design guidelines
- My immigration story. Narrative tools for improving attitudes toward stigmatized immigrants
University of the Basque Country
- Diagnostic practices in organizations: the questionnaire technique
- Development of quantitative instruments in socio-health research