Convocatoria para el II Premio “Mujer y Tecnología 2017″ La Fundación Orange, en colaboración con los Encuentros “Mujeres que transforman el Mundo” que organiza el Ayuntamiento de Segovia, convoca el II Premio “Mujer y Tecnología”. Presentación de candidaturas hasta el 22 de enero de 2017 Este galardón distingue y premia anualmente a mujeres que destacan por su […]

CFP: “Intimacies online, online intimacies”, Roskilde University, Denmark, May 30th– June 1st, 2018.
Call for papers: Intimacies online, online intimacies We are delighted to announce this international conference about intimacy online, digitally mediated intimacies and how intimacies influence (new) mediascapes. Online media are increasingly intersecting and intertwined with our daily lives, bodily and intimate practices, and relationships. This conference highlights how different digital, social and online media enable and/or produce new […]

Two-year Post-Doc in Science, Technology, Race and Gender, Santa Clara University.
The Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Santa Clara University invites applications for a two-year Inclusive Excellence Post-Doctoral Fellowship beginning Fall 2017. We seek a scholar working in the area of Science, Technology, and Society as it intersects with gender and race in the United States. We are particularly interested in candidates with a social science background. The goal […]

“Feminism’s Sciences”, número monográfico de Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience.
La revista Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience ha publicado un doble número monográfico sobre ciencia y teoría feminista, coordinadopor Banu Subramaniam y Angela Willey. Este doble número especial cuestiona los binarios improductivos de la ciencia y las humanidades, lanaturaleza y lacultura,ofreciendo investigación de vanguardia que revela la teoría feminista como un sitio crítico para teorizar la naturaleza y los […]

Vacancy: PhD Position Computing / Gender Studies – University of Kassel, Germany.
PhD position (salary scale EG 13 TV-H) / as soon as possible / application deadline 02.01.2017 University of Kassel (Germany), Department of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science, Research Group: Gender Diversity in Informatics Systems Reference no. 29552 Position no. 21084724 Full-time position for initially three years, with possible extension for further two years (according to […]

CFP: “HIV/AIDS and Digital Media”, special issue of First Monday.
Call for Papers: Special Issue of First Monday on “HIV/AIDS and Digital Media” Special Issue of First Monday on “HIV/AIDS and Digital Media” Special editors: Marika Cifor and Cait McKinney From the prominence of epidemiological “virus” and “bug” metaphors in describing computer networks at risk to contemporary understandings of health data in viral-load management and virality […]

CFP: I Simpósio Internacional Subjetividade e Cultura Digital: O Corpo e Virtualidade, Belo Horizonte, 7-9 março de 2017.
I SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL SUBJETIVIDADE E CULTURA DIGITAL: O CORPO E VIRTUALIDADE Data: 07, 08 e 09 de Março de 2017 Local: CAD 2 Centro de Atividades Didáticas da UFMG – Belo Horizonte, MG CRITÉRIOS PARA SUBMISSÃO DE TRABALHOS: Para submeter uma proposta de apresentação de trabalho será necessário primeiramente efetuar a inscrição de pelo menos um […]

CFP: IV Congreso Europeo de Geografías de las Sexualidades, Barcelona, 13-15 septiembre de 2017.
IV Congreso Europeo de Geografías de las Sexualidades “Relacionalidad, escalas e intersecciones” 13-15 de Septiembre de 2017 Barcelona Presentación y llamada a la participación Siguiendo las anteriores conferencias de Geografías de las Sexualidades en Bruselas (2011), Lisboa (2013) y Roma (2015), la conferencia de 2017 en Barcelona se centraráen las formas en que las sexualidades […]

CFP: Sexualities and Digital Cultura in Europe, Athens, 26-27 May 2017.
SEXUALITIES AND DIGITAL CULTURE IN EUROPE A JOINT ECREA SYMPOSIUM (ATHENS, 26-27 May 2017) Organized by the Gender and Communication Section and Digital Culture and Communication Section Rationale Past decades, media and communication studies have been focusing on the study of sexuality in media, representations, and have been exploring audiences’ interpretations of mass-produced media and […]

Call for Essays on Women in Library Information Technology.
Call for Essays Working Title: We Can Do I.T. : Women in Library Information Technology Editors: Jenny Brandon, Sharon Ladenson, Kelly Sattler Submission Deadline: March 27, 2017 Publisher: Library Juice Press Description of book: What roles are women playing in information technology (I.T.) in libraries? What are rewards that women experience, as well as challenges […]
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Entradas recientes
- CFP: V Seminário Internacional Enlaçando Sexualidades, Salvador da Bahia, 6-8 setembro de 2017.
- “La doble transición”, un libro de Raúl Solís en busca de financiación.
- CFP: “Exploring the Emergence of Moderate Feminism(s) in Contemporary Organizations”, Special Issue of Gender, Work and Organization.
- CFP: “La ‘ideología de género’ y la religión”, dosier monográfico de la revista “ex aequo”.
- CFP: Jornadas sobre educación, género y nación en México (siglo XIX y primera mitad del XX), México, 15-17 noviembre de 2017.
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