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Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Campus diverso
Blog de recursos interdisciplinares para una universidad no heteronormativa

CFP: Zine on feminist teaching and learning.

Resultado de imagen para feminist teaching and learningCFP: Zine on feminist teaching and learning


Call for submissions

A collective of students, activists and teachers at the University of Pennsylvania is calling for submissions for a zine on feminist teaching, learning, and pedagogy.  Partnering with the Alice Paul Center, our goal is to create an accessible and inclusive zine that offers a partial dialogue on how feminist ethics and ideals play out in the classroom, whether that classroom is in a university or on the street, in a computer lab or in the kitchen, on social media or in person.  We want to hear from students, activists, educators and others interested in contributing to a feminist conversation about teaching and learning.

We are open to many formats, including short first-hand accounts of feminist teaching practices, poetry, drawings and recordings.  Please feel free to share accounts of strategies and tactics for feminist teaching and learning, tributes to feminist mentors, and advice on what has worked and what hasn’t in the classroom (broadly defined). We are just as interested in experiences of failure as we are in success.  Contributions will be incorporated into a zine on feminist teaching and learning. This zine is intended for a wide audience, with the goal of being accessible and intersectional. The zine will be distributed throughout Penn’s campus and through local zine exchange networks in Philadelphia. Copies will also be made available via snail mail. Digital copies will not be distributed.

What is a zine? It’s a DIY, self-published document that tends to talk about politics and everyday life. Zines have roots in feminist, punk and anarchist communities. For more info, see here, here and here.

Who is this zine for? This zine is meant for people who want to learn about feminist teaching and learning. We want this zine to be a conversation about planning courses, creating syllabuses, facilitating inclusive discussions, navigating one-on-one teachable moments, fostering accessible learning environments, and more.

How can I contribute? You can submit single- or multi-authored contributions in different modes, including audio, visual and textual materials.  Please send us:

  • 2-5 minute audio recordings (which will transcribed into text)
  • Drawings that are no larger than 8.5 x 11”
  • Written experiences (700 word limit)
  • Citations for our feminist reading list of blogs, zines, books, articles, videos and podcasts

How should I format my submission? Feel free to draw, collage, use stickers, or include other images in your submission. Avoid writing, drawing, or typing too close to the margins so that your submission is not cut off in the photocopying process. If drawing or writing by hand, use thick lines to ensure your submission will photocopy clearly. Zines will be printed in full color in a half-sized layout (8½” x 11” sheets folded in half).

How will submissions be selected? Submissions will be reviewed by the collective.  We hope to take as many submissions as possible, but want to center the experiences of women, trans folk, people of color and others who have been unheard in mainstream discourses on teaching and learning.

When and where should I send my submission? Please send materials through this form by 3pm EST on Friday 4/13. We will do our best to send decisions by Tuesday, 4/17.  If you have any questions about submission topics or formatting, please do not hesitate to reach out via email. Contributors should include any identifying and/or contact information they wish to be published alongside their submission. Anonymous submissions are welcomed.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional