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Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Campus diverso
Blog de recursos interdisciplinares para una universidad no heteronormativa

CFP: Queer Concepts for the 2020s.

Call for papers

Queer Concepts for the 2020s


Deadline for abstracts: October 15, 2018

 It has been almost thirty years since Teresa de Lauretis organized the conference at UC Santa Cruz from which queer theory emerged. While starting as a provocation, queer theory has in some ways become normalized as it has been integrated into academic disciplines and course syllabi all over the world. But it has also developed in many directions, and new concepts have come into use to facilitate for queer theory to keep its critical potential and provocative edge. This special issue of lambda nordica aims to address the status of queer theory today, with a particular focus on its theoretical concepts. If heteronormativity was the main adversary in early queer theory—and thus one of its most crucial concepts—what concepts are in use in current queer theory, and which ones do we need in the 2020s? Which power structures does queer theory challenge in the present? Which new directions has queer theory taken in recent years, and which new fields and disciplines has it entered?

Topics can include (but are not limited to):

  • Heteronormativity
  • Homonormativity/homonationalism
  • Intersectionality and queer studies
  • Geopolitics
  • Vulnerability, ability, and precarity
  • New materialism and posthumanism
  • (Inter)disciplinary queer studies
  • Queer affects
  • Queer of color critique, black feminism, and critical race theory
  • Temporalities and futurities
  • Sex, intimacy and reproduction

Articles should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words including footnotes and references and should not have been published previously. The issue will be in English. For more detailed instructions, see the journal webpage:

We ask you to send us one-page abstracts for article submissions.

Deadline for abstracts: October 15, 2018

Deadline for articles: March 1, 2019

Publication: 2020

Please send queries and submissions to and/or

lambda nordica is a Nordic peer-reviewed academic journal for research in the Humanities and Social Sciences with relation to LGBT and Queer Studies. We strive to support the dialogue between established and younger scholars to inspire to more LGBTQ research in the Nordic area and support the initiative to new research areas in the field. The journal also introduces and reviews international LGBTQ literature.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional