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CFP: “Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formations”, Special issue of Dutch Journal of Gender Studies.

Resultado de imagen de Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formationsCall for Papers – Dutch Journal of Gender Studies

Special issue: Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formations

Call for Papers

Guest Editors: Jovita dos Santos Pinto (University of Bern) and Elisa Fiore (Radboud
University), and dr. Katrine Smiet (Radboud University/Utrecht University).

‘Europeanness’ is often uncritically associated with ‘whiteness’. In the rhetoric and imagery of far-right political movements across Europe, the presence of migrants, refugees and communities of Colour is framed as a threat to the (implicitly white) national identity and community. In the 2007 campaigns of the Swiss People’s Party, this is most literally depicted with a white sheep pushing a black sheep off the national flag. However, it is not only in the rhetoric of the far-right that Europeanness is conflated with whiteness. The investment in whiteness as a cornerstone of European national identities is a legacy of colonial epistemology that still persists today. Since the aftermath of WWII, liberal discourse has been entrenched in a discourse of ‘racelessness’, where racial markers are still recognised and producing exclusions, while race is nevertheless regarded as irrelevant or overcome for continental Europe (Goldberg 2009). In most European public discourses, People of Colour figure as outsiders-within: as ‘tolerated guests’ at best, as imminent threat to national security at worst. As critical race scholar Fatima El-Tayeb argued, the ‘inability or rather unwillingness to confront, let alone overcome, the glaring whiteness underlying Europe’s self-image has rather drastic consequences for migrant or minority communities routinely ignored, marginalized, and defined as a threat to the very Europe they are part of’ (El-Tayeb 2011, p. xxv).

The special issue seeks contributions that discuss whiteness in relation to current developments and societal challenges. Please see the CFP document for more details.

Download here the documentation for this CFP

Please click here for the journal website

Deadlines and timeline publication:

· Deadline submission of abstracts for special issue: 1 January 2018
· Notification of acceptance before: 1 February 2018
· Deadline first version articles (max. 6000 words incl. references and bibliography): 1 April 2018.
· Reviews from external reviewers received: 1 June 2018
· Final version from authors (max. 6000 words): 1 July 2018
· Publication: 21 September 2018

Abstracts and papers should be submitted to For more information, email any of the guest editors :; or

Research articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review process. Articles are to be submitted in either English or Dutch. The Dutch Journal for Gender Studies (Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies) is published by Amsterdam University Press:

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