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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: Conference “Feminist approaches to quantitative social science”, London, 21 september 2017.

Resultado de imagen de feminismo cuantitativoFeminist approaches to quantitative social science


This free, interdisciplinary event is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers across the social sciences.

The goal of the event is to explore the ways in which researchers are using feminist theory and motivations in current quantitative, empirical research across the social sciences, including sociology, economics, demography, social policy, psychology, health, and international relations.  It is a chance for researchers to discuss and debate the possibilities of a quantitative, feminist social science, and to learn from each other’s successes and difficulties in integrating feminist theory with quantitative methods. As an outcome of the event, we aim to establish a research network for future collaboration and cross-disciplinary dialogue.

The day will consist of individual paper presentations, a methods troubleshooting session, and keynote speakers.

Call for papers


The perceived opposition between quantitative methods and feminist theory has been changing in the nearly 20 years since Ann Oakley’s (1998) reflections on methodologies and gendered ‘ways of knowing’. It is increasingly recognised that, as compellingly argued by Jacqueline Scott (2010), quantitative research misses opportunities to make impactful contributions to both social science and to feminist causes if it ignores feminist theory. Similarly, critiques of quantification narrow the scope for social science research to aid feminist agendas.

This inter-disciplinary event is a chance to come together with fellow research students and early career researchers to learn from each other and contribute to the academic conversation on feminist methodologies by debating the following questions:

  • Within quantitative social science, how can we fulfil the requirements of feminist research, including drawing attention to women’s experiences, being intersectional, and being self-reflexive on the position of the researcher vis-à-vis participants and knowledge production?
  •  How can quantitative social science advance feminist theory and feminist agendas?


We are looking for papers based on quantitative or mixed methods empirical research in the following broad thematic areas:

  • Research questioning gender as a binary analytical category or using quantitative techniques that incorporate intersectionality.
  • Research that is reflexive, critical or creative with the quantitative data collection and/or analysis process, drawing attention to the social, political and historical context in which quantitative data are produced.
  • Research highlighting gains/losses towards material gender equality across space and time.
  • Research explicitly aimed at increasing support for feminist causes e.g. highlighting gender based violence, reproductive rights, representation.
  • Innovative approaches to the quantitative measurement of concepts related to gender studies or gender equality.

You do not have to be doing research ‘about women’. We see a feminist approach as broader and more inclusive, as the example themes indicate.
In addition to research questions and findings, we ask that you prepare to speak about the challenges and benefits involved in bringing together feminist approaches and quantitative methods in your research area. Those who are early on in their research process and would like to speak about their conceptual framework or methodology are also welcome to apply, particularly if they are interested in using feminist approaches but are not sure where to start. Moreover, if you want to come and argue that quantitative research and feminist theory are incompatible, you are welcome to do so!

Abstract guidelines

We ask authors to submit a short abstract, maximum 250 words, for oral paper presentations. We may also be able to accommodate contributions in other formats so if you feel your contribution would not fit the standard oral paper presentation, do get in touch with the organisers on the email below.

Please include in the body of your email:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your institutional affiliation
  • A plain text version of the abstract (please ALSO attach a word document or PDF)
  • Please could you indicate whether you are in receipt of ESRC funding.

Email abstracts to: by 23 June 2017.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional