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CFP: “The Intersectional Approach in Research on Social Inequalities”, Special Issue of Gender and Research.

ObálkaCall for abstracts for a thematic block in Gender and Research The Intersectional Approach in Research on Social Inequalities

Guest editors: Alena Křížková, Hana Hašková

The journal Gender and Research invites submissions of abstracts for a special issue titled “The Intersectional Approach in Research on Social Inequalities,” slated for publication in 2018.

The main idea behind the ​​intersectional approach in research is that there is no single category (race, class, gender, ethnicity, nationality or sexuality, etc.) that can explain human experience structured by differences and the distribution of power without reference to other categories. According to this approach, systems of inequality are interconnected and (re)produced at different levels ranging from the structure of society, to institutions, symbols and norms, to individual practices. The intersectional approach highlights the experience and perspectives of multiple marginalised groups. It stresses the importance of understanding institutions as interconnected in determining complex inequalities. Last but not least, intersectionality refers to transformation in knowledge production and the use of this new type of knowledge to achieve social justice.

For more than three decades, the intersectional approach and its importance for science, education and practice have been discussed and developed by feminist scholars and movements. The aim of the proposed thematic block is to discuss the use of the intersectional approach in feminist critiques of social inequalities in Central and Eastern Europe, where the intersectional approach has as yet had little impact on research and policies aimed at tackling inequalities. Even within international feminist thought, the intersectional approach needs to be developed further, especially in terms of its methodology and practical use. A focus specifically on Central and Eastern Europe could contribute to the ongoing discussions on intersectionality.

We welcome articles that focus on (but are not limited to) the following areas:

  • theoretical contributions to the intersectional approach aimed at understanding social inequalities;
  • methodological contributions that develop intersectionality as an analytical tool;
  • empirical research using different intersectional approaches;
  • intersectionality in (the practice of) public and social policy and law;
  • inter/multi/transdisciplinary approaches and combinations of the types of contributions highlighted above;
  • contributions focused on Central and Eastern Europe but we do not exclude articles focusing on other locations.

If you are interested in publishing a paper in the forthcoming thematic issue, please submit an abstract by 2 June 2017 to and to the addresses of the guest editors: and Write ‘intersectionality’ in the subject line of your email. We will announce the decisions on accepted abstracts in the middle of June.

The final versions of the papers are expected by 15 October 2017. We also welcome book reviews and conference reports or relevant news on the topic of intersectionality. For more information on the formal requirements of manuscripts, visit The planned issue will be published in 2018. The thematic block will be mainly in Czech; authors from outside the Czech Republic can submit and publish articles in English.

Gender and Research (Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum) is a peer-reviewed transdisciplinary journal of gender studies and feminist theory. The journal publishes articles in Czech or English with gender or feminist perspective in the fields of sociology, philosophy, political science, cultural studies, and other branches of the social sciences and humanities. The journal also publishes reviews of Czech and international literature on feminist theory and gender studies, discussions, interviews, and information on events in the academic field of gender studies. For more information see

The journal is listed in the SCOPUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), the Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, and other databases.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional