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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: “Childhood, Education, and Gender”, AG About Gender – International Journal of Gender Studies.

Resultado de imagen de infancia, educacion y generoAG About Gender – International Journal of Gender Studies


Childhood, Education, and Gender: The construction of gender culture in classroom, after-school and family settings.

Edited by: Irene Biemmi (University of Florence) and Caterina Satta (University of Ferrara).


The purpose of the Childhood, Education, and Gender call is to investigate what the representations of childhood and adulthood are, differentiated on the basis of gender, promoted and transmitted to different areas of the daily lives of girls and boys, and what the experiences and practices through which the institutions and individual actors, both adults as well as girls and boys, actively build their identity and gender culture, with particular attention to the role of the body and of the emotions in such processes.

Contributions are being sought that relate, from an analytical and interpretive point of view, everyday life experiences and projects implemented in the highlighted contexts internationally. Examples would include theoretical projects or the results of empirical research related to different disciplines (sociology, pedagogy, psychology, anthropology, history, etc.) that also investigate in line with an interdisciplinary approach and a comparative perspective the school, after-school, and family settings in which the processes of identity construction and gender cultures are located.

The papers must be written in one of the two languages – Italian/English – in which the journal is edited, and sent within the deadline of the 30th April 2017.

Read the call: Childhood, Education, and Gender.

See the Authors guidelines for proposal submission.
For further information please contact:


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