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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: Special Issue of the Journal of Homosexuality: “25 Years On”.

Journal of Homosexuality

The Journal of Homosexuality seeks contributions for an upcoming special issue, “25 Years On: The State and Continuing Development of LGBTQ Studies Programs”, to be published in 2018.

In 1993 the Journal of Homosexuality dedicated a special issue to Gay and Lesbian Studies as an emergent discipline that was establishing its presence through both new courses of study and academic departments. To mark the 25th anniversary of an issue that sought to encourage future efforts, this special issue is intended to explore the ways in which LGBTQ Studies programs have developed, evolved, adapted, and sustained themselves within the academy — and continue to do so. Moreover, it is expected to contribute to a body of scholarly work that speaks to campus climate by providing a forum for considering the curricular, intellectual, and institutional landscapes our programs now occupy and negotiate.

Topics of particular interest for the special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • The emergence and evolution of programs worldwide dedicated to LGBT/Q; Queer; Sexuality; or Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies (hereafter LGBTQ Studies unless otherwise indicated)
  • The extent to which programs recognize and/or address distinctions between LGBTQ and Queer Studies
  • The implications of program evolution for the intellectual history of LGBTQ Studies
  • The incorporation of pedagogical opportunities within programs: off-campus study, service learning, distance learning, learning communities, Intergroup Dialogue pedagogies, etc.
  • Struggles and strategies for disciplinary or institutional legitimacy related to issues such as resource allocations, faculty appointments and review, program viability, or scholarly respect
  • Establishing effective frameworks for internal and external program evaluations
  • Connections between LGBTQ Studies programs and resource centers
  • Keeping pace with cultural changes and/or rapidly evolving communities of gender and sexuality minorities
  • Integrating intersectionality
  • Engagements with public scholarship/community outreach
  • The future(s) of LGBTQ Studies

Submission Guidelines

The guest editors anticipate an issue that features perspectives ranging from practical to theoretical through the inclusion of both short reflection pieces (4000 words maximum) and article-length essays (8000 words maximum). Proposals are required prior to the submission of draft manuscripts.

Proposals for contributions should be limited to 500 words and sent to Ken Valente,, by April 15, 2017. Proposals should describe the issue to be examined, articulate the relationship of the contribution to the special issue, and indicate whether the work is intended as a reflection piece or an article-length essay. Authors of successful proposals will be notified by June 15, 2017.

Draft manuscripts will be due by December 15, 2017. They should be submitted in a Word document that includes a title and an abstract of no more than 100 words. To facilitate peer-review, the submission should be accompanied by a separate cover page that includes the manuscript’s title and word count (including abstract, references, and notes) as well as the author’s professional title, affiliation, and contact information.

All parts of the draft manuscript should be double-spaced with margins of at least one inch on all sides and full pagination. References, citations, and general style of manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA Publication Manual, 6th ed (2010). In particular, works are cited in the text by author and date (Smith, 1983) and included in an alphabetical list at the end of the article. Information on the inclusion of illustrations, tables, and figures is available from the journal’s instructions for authors.

Editorial information

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