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Universidad de Salamanca
Campus diverso
Blog de recursos interdisciplinares para una universidad no heteronormativa

2017 Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence (ENGV), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan.


2017 Annual Conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence (ENGV)
May 24-26 2017, Milan, Italy
Hosted by Milano-Bicocca University, Milan 
The European Network on Gender and Violence is an interdisciplinary, international network supporting exchange and collaboration among researchers, scholars and professionals. The network holds annual conferences that provide a forum for friendly debate of current research.
We are inviting submissions for short discussion input and poster presenting new empirical studies, or new scholarship on theory / methodology. All methodology are welcome as well as in-depth reflections on research/policy intersections.
The conference will offer three formats to strike a balance between making current work visible and having room for discussion without overloading the program:
(1) Discussion inputs. Inputs are condensed versions of a conference paper. We want to emphasize discussion so the purpose of input is to prompt discussion with a set of concise statements or questions. Input should be presented within 10 minutes, which will be followed by 20 minutes of discussion. Empirical inputs must show actual findings, intention to collect data is not sufficient. Input need to situate their topic in the context of relevant research, in particular in Europe.
Presenters can circulate a longer version of their input prior to the conference if they feel that will make it easier for them to stick to the 10-min time limit.
(2) Posters. Will be displayed during a dedicated poster session and throughout the conference. Prepare in sizes A2 or A1.
(3) Resources. Participants can bring books, reports and other pertinent information for display and/or distribution.
We can also circulate information by email before the conference if desired.
Young scholars’  meeting (organized by Ksenia Meshkova). The first day of the conference is reserved for young researchers working on their PhD to discuss papers, research proposals or PhD thesis at any stage of completing as well as to network and discuss challenges of doing gender violence research. Interested students at Master’s level, as well as early career Post-Docs and experienced researchers who want to support the young researchers are also welcome to participate in the meeting. Researchers interested in getting feedback on their papers will be asked to send their papers to all participants of young scholars’ meeting by May 7, 2017.
For all contributions (input, poster, young scholars event), please send 200-word abstract and template to: no later than January 6, 2017.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional