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Universidad de Salamanca
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Call for chapters: “Feminism: Past, Present and Future Perspectives”.

Resultado de imagen de Research on Feminism and Gender

Josefa Ros Velasco, teaching and research staff at the Department of History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Theory of Knowledge at University Complutense of Madrid.

 I am currently the Editor-in-chief of a forthcoming volume on feminism and gender issues, tentatively entitled Feminism: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, that will be published by Nova Science Publishers next summer. In this regard, I would like to personally invite you to participate in this project writing a significant chapter for the volume, taking into account your research trajectory in this subject. In case you are interested in collaborating with me, I am going to tell you some details.

1. You should send me a draft abstract (150-500 words) in the following days, together with your confirmation of participation.

2. Your contribution is intended to range from 4,000 to 35,000 words and should be sent by E-mail to myself ( by end February 2017. Moreover, I need a Copytight Transfer Form signed that I will send you if you make de decission of participate. The contribution may be both an original paper or a reviewed ones, and must undergo spellcheck prior to delivering.

For the moment, it is enough, since I do not want to overwhelm you with too much information (here is the basics). If your response is affirmative, which would bring me lots of joy and would be a great honor, I will send you more information. I would urge you to think about my offering, I am enthusiastic about this project and it is my hope that your contribution will enrich it greatly. Otherwise, If you are not interested in taking part – I understand that we all, the researchers and teachers, have a very tight schedule –,

I would be grateful if you could give me advice on another colleague who is likely interested (I even give you full freedom to make my purpose reach as many people as you consider). This is all for the present and, please, let me thank you for your attention and your help.

Josefa Ros Velasco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
(Dpto. Historia de la Filosofía, Estética y Teoría del Conocimiento)

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