The exam does not expire. Institutions in each country indicate the expiration time of all accepted exams. Our exams take place in certified, noise-free labs (To check exam dates go to or click here.) More than 9,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries rely on TOEFL® test scores to help make […]
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Welcome to the TOEFL/TOEIC site from the University of Salamanca!
This site is under construction, but we will be updating it in the upcoming days. Be sure to check it out frequently!
Who needs the TOEFL®? Who accepts them?
Students planning to study at a higher education institution or English-language learning programs. Scholarship and certification candidates. English-language learners who want to track their progress. Students and workers applying for visas. Who Accepts TOEFL® Scores? More than 9,000 colleges, agencies and other institutions in over 130 countries accept TOEFL® scores. Placement in intensive English-language programs […]