Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Santiago M. Lopez (Salamanca University - IeCyT and EEHD)
IeCyt (Research Center of Social Studies on Science and Technology) // EEHD (Economics and Economic History Department)





Associate Professor of Economic and Business History at Salamanca University. Born in Madrid (Spain) in 1961. I studied Contemporary History at UAM (Autonomus University of Madrid) and the PhD at UCM (Complutense University of Madrid).


This exhibition is divided into two parts: a selection of the artist’s previous works, analyses and reflections on the market and globalisation, in which institutions play a role in altering the economic value of art, thus neutralizing its subversive potential, as shown by The Invisible Hand of the Market (2009)




Política de privacidad
Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional