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Universidad de Salamanca
Statistics and R software
Blog by JMSS
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Plot outliers and their values

On this website we can find an interesting and simple function to plot the outliers of a variable and its values: …

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COVID-19: The Case of Spain

ESTA ENTRADA NO TIENE ACTUALIZACIONES EN ESTA WEB / THIS ENTRY DOES NOT HAVE UPDATES ON THIS WEB HA SIDO MOVIDA A / HAS BEEN MOVED TO: ———————— (1) SIR MODEL I will use the same model used in this post: Epidemiology: How contagious is Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)?. You can find all the details there and in the […]

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Programación y análisis de datos con R - Curso online

Programación y análisis de datos con R – Curso online

R online course: Universidad de Salamanca Se imparte anualmente. Fechas en el enlace.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional