Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Jesús Lacal
Profesor Titular. Área de Genética. Departamento de Microbiología y Genética. Universidad de Salamanca

Publicaciones en libros

7. Matilla MA, Daniels C, del Castillo T, Busch A, Lacal J, Segura A, Ramos JL, Krell T. (2018) Genetics of sensing, accessing, and exploiting hydrocarbons. In: Krell T. (eds) Cellular Ecophysiology of Microbe: Hydrocarbon and Lipid Interactions. Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. pp: 345-359. Springer, Cham.

6. Lacal J. (2017) The potential of hydrocarbon chemotaxis to increase bioavailability and biodegradation efficiency. In: Krell T. (eds) Cellular Ecophysiology of Microbe. Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. pp: 1-14. Springer, Cham.

5. Krell T, Lacal J, García-Fontana C, Silva-Jiménez H, Rico-Jiménez M, Lugo AC, Darias JA, Ramos JL. (2014) Pseudomonas Methods and Protocols. (eds: Alain Filloux and Juan Luis Ramos). Springer Science, pp: 193-203.

4. Ramos JL, Daniels C, Krell T, Duque E, Godoy P, de la Torre J, Fernández-Escamilla AM, Daddaoua A, Navarro-Avilés G, Fillet S, Pini C, Molina-Henares MA, Lacal J, Busch A, Jiménez-Silva H, Rodríguez S, Molina L, Bursakov SA, Roca A, and Segura A. (2011) Molecular responses to solvent stress: strategies for living in unpalatable substrates. Extremophiles Handbook (eds: Koki Horikoshi). Springer, pp: 972-985.

3. Krell T, Guazzaroni ME, Busch A, Lacal J, Terán W, Fillet S, Silva-Jiménez H, and Ramos JL. (2010) Microcalorimetry as a general technique to characterize binding of two ligands: what needs to be considered when analyzing hydrocarbons. Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons: Protocols (eds: K.N. Timmis). Springer, pp: 4231-4242.

2. Daniels C, del Castillo T, Krell T, Segura A, Busch A, Lacal J, and Ramos JL. (2010) Genetics of accessing and exploiting hydrocarbons. Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology (eds: K.N. Timmis). Springer, pp: 1575-1584.

1. Krell T, Busch A, Guazzaroni ME, Lacal J, Gallegos MT, and Terán W. (2007) The use of microcalorimetry to study regulatory mechanisms in Pseudomonas. Pseudomonas V (eds: Ramos, J.L. y Filloux, A.), Springer, pp: 255-277.

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