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CFP: 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly, LGBTQ Users Special Interest Group.

 IFLA World Library and Information Congress 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly 15-21 August 2015, Cape Town, South Africa   Call for Papers LGBTQ Users Special Interest Group Theme:  Developing Equitable Access for LGBTQ Library Users According to the Lyon Declaration, sustainable development must take place within a human-rights based framework, which relies on equitable access to […]

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Cruising the Library

Novedad bibliográfica: “Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge”, de Melissa Adler.

Adler, Melissa: Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge. Fordham University Press, 2017. Cruising the Library offers a highly innovative analysis of the history of sexuality and categories of sexual perversion through a critical examination of the Library of Congress and its cataloging practices. Taking the publication of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s Epistemologies of the Closet […]

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Colloquium logo

CFP: Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia — April 23, 2016.

  Gender and sexuality organize much of social life. How we understand ourselves and each other often begins–or, when we interact with institutions, even requires–checking off binary boxes: man or woman, gay or straight. Of course, lives and selves are more complicated than this, and these complications are what we wish to explore at the […]

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"365 WAY Segovia. Mujeres audaces", Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura de Segovia, noviembre 2017-marzo 2018.

“365 WAY Segovia. Mujeres audaces”, Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura de Segovia, noviembre 2017-marzo 2018.

Sobre 365 Way Segovia. Mujeres Audaces Son cinco jornadas de saberes, de teatro, de expresión, de debate y complicidades que, a partir de diferentes audacias impulsan actividades transversales y apuntan a la igualdad como una necesidad inaplazable de la sociedad contemporánea. Las jornadas comienzan con 15 minutos de lectura dramatizada de textos breves, textos inspirados […]

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DocuQueer: Preserving Community Through Collaborative Collections - Call for Proposals.

DocuQueer: Preserving Community Through Collaborative Collections – Call for Proposals.

  DocuQueer: Preserving Community Through Collaborative Collections – Call for Proposals The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Users Special Interest Group (SIG) is pleased to offer a preconference satellite meeting in Chicago on August 10-11, 2016. Sessions will include keynotes and tours of some of the […]

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Judith Raiskin (left) and Linda Long

El proyecto Lesbian Oral History pasa a formar parte de las colecciones de la biblioteca de la University of Oregon.

The history of Eugene’s lesbian community from the 1960s through the 1990s will be kept alive through video interviews and archival documents of more than 140 women taking part in the UO’s Lesbian Oral History project. Judith Raiskin, associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Linda Long, curator of manuscripts […]

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Bibliotecarios brasileños posan desnudos para financiar una biblioteca LGTB en Brasília.

  La lectura y la educación son fundamentales para que una sociedad pueda cambiar y lxs bibliotecarixs se han comprometido tradicionalmente con este objetivo. . En esta línea, un grupo de bibliotecarios brasileños se ha desnudado para posar para un calendario del año 2016. El Calendario de la Biblioteca de la Diversidad se difunde para poder construir […]

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queering memory

CFP: Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections: An International LGBTIQ+ Conference, Berlin, 27–29 June 2019.

ARCHIVES, LIBRARIES, MUSEUMS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL LGBTIQ+ CONFERENCE What does ‘queering memory’ mean under the political, social and cultural conditions of the present? How the diversity of queer histories can be made visible in these digitized times? ALMS 2019 Berlin will explore the potentials of generating publicities for queer archives, libraries, museums and special collections, with […]

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XXIII Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres.

XXIII Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres.

Durante los días 13 y 14 de octubre de 2016 se celebró en Oviedo el XXIII Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres organizado, en esta ocasión, por el Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer. Este encuentro anual, que se viene celebrando desde el año 1993, reúne a los profesionales que trabajan en […]

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Cartel LGTBIfobia 2020

Exposición virtual LGTBIfobia, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alicante.

17 de Mayo, Día Internacional contra la LGTBIfobia   Tras muchos años de lucha, el colectivo homosexual consiguió que el 17 de mayo de 1990 la Asamblea General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud eliminara la homosexualidad de la lista de enfermedades mentales, algo que no se ha conseguido hasta 2018 con la transexualidad, que […]

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