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Universidad de Salamanca
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Journal of Feminist Family Therapy

CFP: Refugee Families, “Journal of Feminist Family Therapy” Special Issue.

Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum Call for Submissions Deadline: 30 June 2017 Special Issue: Refugee Families According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, we are witnessing the highest levels of human displacement on record with an unprecedented 65.3 million people exiled from their homes. Of this number, 21.3 million are refugees who flee […]

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Resultado de imagen de LGBTI Refugees

Call for Contributions for an Edited Book on LGBTI Refugees.

We seek specific proposals for an edited book on LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees, which will be published by Springer. We have particular interest on the reasons behind LGBTI persons’ flight. The contributions shall investigate the motives that determine LGBTI persons to leave their countries of origin and seek sanctuary somewhere else, the actors of persecution and the situation […]

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Gender Forum

CFP: “EnGendered Borders”, Special Issue of Gender Forum.

    Call for Papers EnGendered Borders In a 2016 music video, “Borders”, the ever-controversial M.I.A., herself a Tamil refugee, comments on the gendered aspects of Western anxieties in the on-going refugee ‘crisis’: images of endless masses of all-male refugees of colour resonate with right-wing myths of uncivilized brown invaders, stealing jobs, raping white women […]

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